Hans Kraaijeveld, bearer of the IKF Pin of Merit, passed away

The IKF has been made aware of the passing of Mr Hans Kraaijeveld from the Netherlands, at the age of 85.

After a career as referee and korfball administrator in the Netherlands, Mr Kaaijeveld was chair of the IKF Finance Committee for many years, for which he was recognized by receiving the IKF Pin of Merit in 1995

Upon establishment of the Swan Fund by Adrie Zwaanswijk, Mr Kraaijeveld served on the board of the Swan Fund in the role of Treasurer for many years, helping to grow and govern the fund that has supported many national korfball associations with their inception

Mr Kraaijeveld will be remembered for his long-term involvement with korfball over many years, always being straight and clear about his thinking, and focused on the long-term development of our sport.

Qualifying Event for the World Games 2025 Begins Today

Today marks the beginning of an exciting journey in the world of beach Korfball as the IKF World Beach Korfball Championship 2024 kicks off. This event not only offers competitors the chance to shine on the sand but also the opportunity to secure direct qualification for next year’s World Games.

Hosted by the Korfball Association of Thailand, this championship not only showcases the talent and skill of the participating teams but also offers a direct route to the World Games. With eight spots available for the Beach Korfball event at the World Games, the competition is expected to be intense and exciting.

The winning team of this event will secure an automatic qualification for the World Games 2025. This adds an extra layer of excitement and motivation for all the competing teams, as they fight for victories on the sand and to secure their spot on the global stage.

In addition to the direct qualification, participating teams will also earn points based on their final ranking in the IKF World Beach Korfball Championship 2024. These points will be added to the Beach Korfball World Ranking points, which will be the determinant factor in deciding the remaining teams to qualify for the World Games.

But the journey doesn’t end here. Alongside this championship, two other events, the Beach World Cups Europe and Asia 2024, are scheduled as additional qualifying opportunities. These events provide further chances for teams to earn points and increase their chances of making it to the World Games 2025.

For detailed information regarding the beach korfball qualification criteria for TWG2025, you can go here.

As the excitement builds and the competition unfolds, all eyes are on the players, coaches, and fans, eager to witness the thrilling moments and see which teams will ultimately secure their place at the World Games 2025.

Join us and watch this event live on youtube.com/ikfchannel and www.worldkorfball.sport (with live results and live streams, statistics, scorers, play-by-play …)

Jean-Claude Besnard, IKF Badge of Honour, passes away

It is with great sadness that the International Korfball Federation has learnt of the passing of Jean-Claude Besnard, IKF Badge of Honour, at the age of 78. Mr. Besnard was one of the pioneers of korfball in France. As a delegate of UFOLEP, he showed interest in the game in 1980, which resulted in the birth of korfball in France with a first international tournament in 1982. His efforts lead to a development of a big korfball community in France, with over 1000 active players in the 1990s.

Mr. Besnard was also actively involved with the IKF as referee and member of the European Championships Committee. For his work for IKF and his dedication to korfball development in France for decades, he was awarded the IKF Badge of Honour during the IKF World Korfball Championship in 2003.

IKF President Jan Fransoo: ‘The world of korfball says adieu to a great man with a fabulous generosity that I remember with great happiness. My condolences to the Besnard family and the entire French korfball community’.


Photo credit: © lanouvellerepublique.fr

Dean Woods appointed as chair of the IKF Marketing, ICT & Live Streaming Committees

The IKF is excited to share that Dean Woods has been appointed as chair of the IKF Marketing, ICT and Live Streaming Committees. In this role, Dean will coordinate the work of the three committees, thereby connecting the initiatives and work of all involved volunteers more closely.

The IKF is delighted to have Dean on board, with his extensive experience in the marketing and media in the korfball world. Gabi Kool, IKF President Nominee: ‘The IKF ExCo is extremely pleased to have Dean joining in this new exciting role. His experience with England Korfball in the PR & Communications team saw him during a ten-year tenure revolutionize the way that England Korfball portrayed itself to its members and the wider public. The high-quality professional and engaging content and branding became the benchmark of everything that England Korfball does. Dean was recognized for his achievements through IKF’s 2019 Award to England Korfball for Innovation and we look very much forward to seeing Dean lead the IKF Marketing, LiveStreaming, ICT and social media committees through similar ideas, innovation and energy to the benefit of our increasing portfolio of activities in these areas on a global level’

Dean is excited to take on the role: ”I am delighted to be appointed as the Head of Marketing, ICT and Live Streaming for the International Korfball Federation. I have been involved with korfball for almost 30 years, as a player I represented Great Britain and England, and then almost a decade as an international referee with the IKF.  I am excited to continue working with the IKF in this new role. I know I can help the IKF and the sport reach even greater heights. My previous role was part of the Media and Communications team for England Korfball, a role I held for over 10 years which provided a wealth of experience in all things marketing, media and events management. I am confident that I can use my skills, knowledge and experience to help the IKF grow the sport of korfball globally. I would like to thank all the existing IKF volunteers working in the social media, website, live stream, and photography teams for their dedication and continued efforts. I am confident that together, we can continue to ensure korfball reaches its full potential.”

The powerful Dutch team wins the IKF U19 World Korfball Championship 2023

Twelve teams have been competing in the Belgian city of Ghent from 7 to 9 April for the IKF U19 World Korfball Championship 2023 trophy. Portugal, Morocco, Netherlands, England, France, Chinese Taipei, Czech Republic, Hong Kong China, Germany, Catalonia, Slovakia and Belgium were the participants, and one team has been playing at another level during all its matches: the Netherlands.

In today’s final against the unbeaten Belgium, the Dutch players were able to perform a very good game again, and the few goals scored by the opponent facilitated an easy win (5-21) for the Netherlands in this final match.

The Champions: The Netherlands

England and Chinese Taipei played for Bronze in the previous game,  and the Asian team leaded the match from the very begining with a spectacular and dynamic korfbal, that allowed them to win by 13-26.

In the game for 5th place, Czech Republic beated Catalonia 19-12 and Germany won an exciting match versus Portugal by one single goal (14-13).


Team Rank Games Pts Goals + Goals – Diff
Netherlands 1 6 18 160 27 133
Belgium 2 6 12 127 62 65
Chinese Taipei 3 5 12 100 56 44
England 4 5 6 45 101 -56
Czech Republic 5 5 9 100 65 35
Catalonia 6 5 6 45 78 -33
Germany 7 5 9 69 55 14
Portugal 8 5 3 58 80 -22
Slovakia 9 5 6 44 53 -9
France 10 5 6 42 87 -45
Hong Kong China 11 5 3 36 88 -52
Morocco 12 5 3 40 114 -74


Thanks to the Royal Belgian Korfball Association for organising such a wonderful tournament, and to all teams, players, coaches, managers, officials and most importantly, the volunteers, for all their hard and good work and friendship. This is korfball!

DAY 3 IMAGE GALLERY (by Marco Spelten)



All fans around the world were be able to follow this tournament live on youtube.com/ikfchannel and on www.worldkorfball.sport (with live results and streams, statistics, scorers, play-by-play …). For more local information and tickets there was the LOC official website: www.u19wkc2023.com 

On social media you can find the best images, clips and highlights, visiting the official IKF profiles (see below) and via the hashtags #U19WKC and #korfball:

IKF Official profiles:











DAY 2 IMAGE GALLERY (by Marco Spelten)

DAY 1 IMAGE GALLERY (by Marco Spelten)


Event info: https://korfball.sport/?p=27486

IKF Badge of Honour, Mr. Ruth Kool, passes away at age 83.

The IKF regrets to announce the passing of Mr Ruth Kool, bearer of the IKF Badge of Honour, at age 83 on 27 October 2022. Mr Kool was involved in the development of korfball on national and international level for many years, and has been involved with the IKF on multiple positions. After serving four years on the Finance Committee, Ruth became the IKF’s financial administrator in 1992. A task he has, as a volunteer, performed until the end of 2000. He will be remembered as a very involved, knowledgeable and humble volunteer. The IKF is grateful for his many contributions to the development of korfball.

TuS Schildgen & Trojans KC qualify for the Korfball Champions League R3

The Czech city of Prostějov hosted from 18 to 20 November 2022 the 2nd Round of this brand new European IKF Korfball Champions League. [Press kit booklet here]

The two 1st rounds R1A & R1B were played last September in Portugal and Poland, and the winners of those tournaments (TuS Schildgen and Tornadoes KC) were competing again in this Round 2, with 6 other European national club champions.

After 3 intense and exciting days with a lot of tight and interesting matches, the German Tus Schildgen became the winner of this Round 3. After beating in the semi-finals the local Czech team of SK RG Prostějov, they were also able to win the final by 17-12 the last day, performing a great final match versus the English team of Trojans KC, that also qualified for this 3rd Round by winning the other semi-final against the German SG Pegasus.

The Dutch and Belgian national runners-up await now these two teams in the Round 3 to be played next 6-7 January 2023 in Belgium.

The other semi-finalists that ended in 3rd and 4th place, SG Pegasus and SK RG Prostějov, automatically qualified to play the KCL Challenger Final.

The teams ranked 5 to 8 in this 2nd round, will also play a final event next year to reveal which one becomes the KCL Satellite champion.

*Daily image galleries below


1st: TuS Schildgen – Qualified for KCL R3
2nd: Trojans KC – Qualified for KCL R3
3rd: SG Pegasus Qualified for KCL Challenger
4th: SK RG Prostějov Qualified for KCL Challenger
5th: CK Vallparadís – Qualified for KCL Satellite
6th: Tornadoes KC – Qualified for KCL Satellite
7th: NC Benfica – Qualified for KCL Satellite
8th: SZAC Budapest – Qualified for KCL Satellite

More information about this new competition format for European korfball clubs can be found here.


FINAL: TuS Schildgen – Trojans KC

FOR 3rd PLACE: SK RG Prostějov – SG Pegasus

FOR 5th PLACE: Tornadoes KC – CK Vallparadís

FOR 7th PLACE: NC Benfica – SZAC Budapest


DAY 3 IMAGE GALLERY – FINALS (by Veronica Supikova)

DAY 2 IMAGE GALLERY (by Veronica Supikova)



DAY 1 IMAGE GALLERY (by Veronica Supikova)


All fans around the world will be able to follow this tournament live on youtube.com/ikfchannel and on www.worldkorfball.sport (with live results and streams, statistics, scorers, play-by-play …).

On social media you will be able to find the best images, clips and highlights, visiting the following official @IKFKCL profiles, as well as the regular and well-known IKF profiles (see below) and via the hashtags #KCL and #korfball:

IKF KCL Profiles – @IKFKCL:







IKF Official profiles:











Event info: https://korfball.sport/?p=27189

The 2nd Round of the Korfball Champions League is on! (updated results & images)

The Czech city of Prostějov, is hosting from Friday to Sunday (18-20 November 2022), the 2nd Round of this brand new European IKF Korfball Champions League. [Press kit booklet here]

The two 1st rounds R1A & R1B were played last September in Portugal and Poland, and the winners of those rounds are competing again in this Round 2, with 6 other European national club champions.

UPDATE (new post): TuS Schildgen & Trojans KC qualify for the Korfball Champions League R3

*Daily image galleries below (updating)


FINAL: TuS Schildgen – Trojans KC


FOR 3rd PLACE: SK RG Prostějov – SG Pegasus


FOR 5th PLACE: Tornadoes KC – CK Vallparadís


FOR 7th PLACE: NC Benfica – SZAC Budapest


Three intense and excinting days full of matches will decide which are the best teams that will qualify for the 3rd Round, were the Dutch and Belgian national runners-up await.

The other teams will also be playing and competing to qualify for the KCL Challenge and KCL Satellite Finals to be played at the beginning of next year.

More information about this new competition format for European korfball clubs can be found here.



DAY 3 IMAGE GALLERY – FINALS (by Veronica Supikova)

DAY 2 IMAGE GALLERY (by Veronica Supikova)



DAY 1 IMAGE GALLERY (by Veronica Supikova)


All fans around the world will be able to follow this tournament live on youtube.com/ikfchannel and on www.worldkorfball.sport (with live results and streams, statistics, scorers, play-by-play …).

On social media you will be able to find the best images, clips and highlights, visiting the following official @IKFKCL profiles, as well as the regular and well-known IKF profiles (see below) and via the hashtags #KCL and #korfball:

IKF KCL Profiles – @IKFKCL:







IKF Official profiles:











Event info: https://korfball.sport/?p=27189

The Korfball Champions League is here!

The first edition of the IKF Korfball Champions League is ready to start with two first rounds, to be played from 23 to 25 September 2022 in Portugal and Poland. 


The IKF KCL Round 1-A will take place in Lisbon capital, and the IKF KCL Round 1-B will be held in the Polish city of Oleśnica. This new format will allow for more matches between clubs of similar strength, doing justice to the growing club competitions in Europe.


For 7th place: Marmara USC – FJEP Bonson [19-11]
For 5th place: Norwich Knights – CCCD Carnaxide [9-11]
For 3rd place: CC Oeiras – Platja d’Aro KC [16-14]
For 1st place: TuS Schildgen – KC Barcelona [0-0]


For 7th place: Kékvölgy SE – SKK Dolphins [9-7]
For 5th place: Yıldız Teknik USC – Glasgow KC [13-7]
For 3rd place: SJBAGB – AZS Balluff [10-11]
For 1st place: Tornadoes KC – KK Brno [16-6]

UPDATE: Tornadoes KC, from England, and the German TuS Schildgen, qualify to play the IKF Champions League Round 2 next 18-20 November 2022 in Prostějov, Czech Republic.

KCL R1-A Live streams playlist:

KCL R1-B Live streams playlist:




The participants were allocated in R1-A or R1-B in these first inaugural KCL 2022/2023 events according to the following ranking, and the winner of R1-A and the winner of R1-B both progress to the IKF KCL Round 2, that will be played from 18 to 20 November in Prostějov, Czech Republic.

More information about this new competition format for European korfball clubs can be found here.


All fans around the world will be able to follow this tournament live on youtube.com/ikfchannel and on www.worldkorfball.sport (with live results and streams, statistics, scorers, play-by-play …):

On social media you will be able to find the best images, clips and highlights, visiting the following official @IKFeurope and @IKFKCL profiles, as well as the regular and well-known IKF profiles (see below) and via the hashtags #KCL and #korfball:

► facebook.com/korfball.org
► twitter.com/korfball
► instagram.com/korfball_org
► tiktok.com/@korfball.sport



IKF KCL R1-A Exclusive content

► facebook.com/IKFeurope
► twitter.com/IKFeurope
► instagram.com/IKFeurope


IKF KCL R1-B Exclusive content

► facebook.com/IKFKCL
► twitter.com/IKFKCL
► instagram.com/IKFKCL

All ready for the IKF World Beach Korfball Championship 2022 in Morocco

The city of Nador is ready to host the 1st IKF World Beach Korfball Championship that will take place next August 19th and 20th at Corniche Beach. Thirteen korfball countries will participate in this prestigious event: Belgium, Cameroon, England, France, Hong Kong China, Hungary, India, Morocco, The Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Wales and United States of America.

You can check the updated results and live stream links on https://beachkorfball.sport/?p=12603

DAY 2 LIVE STREAM – Evening games

DAY 2 LIVE STREAM – Morning games

DAY 1 LIVE STREAM – Evening games

DAY 1 LIVE STREAM – Morning games

The award of this event from the IKF comes months after an agreement that the Moroccan Association for Korfball and the Mediterranean Youth Association made with the Ministry of National Education to develop korfball in schools. Younes Cherfaoui (MAK president): “We are very proud to be able to organise the IKF World Beach Korfball Championship and to present the beautiful city of Nador to the korfball world. The event comes at the perfect moment to showcase korfball and really use it as an accelerator for the further development of korfball within Morocco.”

A live stream signal will be provided during the tournament on Field 1. To give all teams the opportunity to play broadcasted matches, the allocation of the fields has been slightly adjusted in the previous announced schedule. In the coming days, the LOC will inform trough which channels these live streams will be provided.



The teams have been divided in two groups to play a preliminary round, and the final ranking of each pool will decide which squads qualify to play on the second day for places 9 to 14 and 1 to 8.


All fans around the world will be able to follow this tournament on www.beachkorfball.sport as well as on social media visiting the different @BeachKorfball profiles and via the hashtags #WBKC2022 and #beachkorfball:

► facebook.com/beachkorfball
► twitter.com/beachkorfball
► instagram.com/beachkorfball
► tiktok.com/@beachkorfball

The International Korfball Federation is glad to welcome the teams from the United States, Cameroon and India, which will make their first appearance at an official international beach korfball tournament. Will they be able to beat the Portuguese team that raised the last IKF Beach Korfball World Cup before the pandemic in 2019? Beach Korfball is back! Let’s enjoy it!



Pools and match schedule of the IKF World Beach Korfball Championship 2022
Morocco to host first World Beach Korfball Championship 2022