Official IKF channels

Live streams:
Results, statistics and embeded official live streams:
IKF Website:
IKF Beach Korfball website:

Korfball Champions League profiles | @IKFKCL:


Stay safe online

Beware of fake profiles, pages, events, and live stream links impersonating the International Korfball Federation and the official IKF tournaments on social media!

Scammers are actively using these fake accounts to trick people into clicking on malicious links, for example, encouraging you to watch a live stream, that can lead to identity theft, malware infections, and other cybercrimes. 

If you’re not sure whether the request is legitimate, don’t accept it. Scammers can use fake accounts to gain access to your personal information or spread malware.

The IKF will never send you a connection request on Facebook or Instagram to become ‘friends’. If you receive a friend request on Facebook or Instagram from the IKF, do NOT accept this, it is not legitimate.

If you suspect that an account is fake or impersonating a business, report it to Facebook or Instagram. This will help the companies to take action against the account and prevent others from being scammed. 

Stay safe online by following these tips:

  • Verify the source: Check the URL of the website or social media account to make sure it’s legitimate.
  • Do not click on suspicious links: If you receive an unsolicited message with a link, don’t click on it. Instead, go directly to the official website or official social media account.