Health and Safety

Anti-doping programs seek to preserve what is intrinsically valuable about sport.  This intrinsic value is often referred to as “the spirit of sport”. It is the essence of Olympism, the pursuit of human excellence through the dedicated perfection of each person’s individual talents. It is how we play true.  The spirit of sport is the celebration of the human spirit, body and mind, and is reflected in values we find in and through sport, including:

  • Ethics, fair play and honesty
  • Health
  • Excellence in performance
  • Character and education
  • Fun and joy
  • Teamwork
  • Dedication and commitment
  • Respect for rules and laws
  • Respect for self and other Participants
  • Courage
  • Community and solidarity

Doping is fundamentally contrary to the spirit of sport.


Doping is defined as the occurrence of one or more of the following Anti-Doping Rule Violations (ADRVs):

  • Presence of a prohibited substance in an athlete’s sample
  • Use or attempted use of a prohibited substance or method
  • Refusing to submit to sample collection after being notified
  • Failure to file athlete whereabouts information and missed tests
  • Tampering with any part of the doping control process
  • Possession of a prohibited substance or method
  • Trafficking a prohibited substance or method
  • Administering or attempting to administer a prohibited substance or method to an athlete
  • Complicity in an ADRV
  • Prohibited association with athlete support personnel who has engaged in doping


The use of doping substances or doping methods to enhance performance is fundamentally wrong and is detrimental to the overall spirit of sport. Drug misuse can be harmful to an athlete’s health and to other athletes competing in the sport. It severely damages the integrity, image and value of sport, whether or not the motivation to use drugs is to improve performance. To achieve integrity and fairness in sport, a commitment to clean sport is critical.

Dangers of Doping: Get the Facts leaflet

Level the Playing Field video


 “Every athlete has the right to clean sport!”

Any athlete may be tested in- and out-of-competition, anytime, anywhere and with no advance notice.

The principle of strict liability applies in anti-doping – if it is in the athlete’s body, the athlete is responsible for it.

Athletes’ responsibilities include (but are not limited to):

                                • complying with the IKF Anti-Doping Rules and IKF Anti-Doping Policy (in line with the World Anti-Doping Code);
                                • being available for sample collection (urine or blood), whether in-competition or out- of-competition;
                                • ensuring that no prohibited substance enters his body and that no prohibited method is used;
                                • making sure that any treatment is not prohibited according to the Prohibited List in force and checking this with the prescribing physicians, or directly with the IF if necessary;
                                • applying to the IKF (or national anti-doping organization if the athlete is a national level athlete) if no alternative permitted treatment is possible and a Therapeutic Use Exemption (TUE) is required (see the IKF’s TUE application process)
                                • reporting immediately for sample collection after being notified of a doping control;
                                • ensuring the accuracy of the information entered on the doping control form during sample collection (including stating any medications and supplements taken within the seven days prior to sample collection, and where the sample collected is a blood sample, blood transfusions within the previous three months);
                                • cooperating with anti-doping organizations investigating anti-doping rules violations (ADRVs); and
                                • not working with coaches, trainers, physicians or other athlete support personnel who are ineligible on account of an ADRV or who have been criminally convicted or professionally disciplined in relation to doping (see WADA’s Prohibited Association List).

Note: during doping control, the athlete must remain within direct observation of the Doping Control Officer (DCO) or chaperone at all times from when the initial contact is made until the completion of the sample collection procedure. The athlete must also produce identification upon request.

Athletes’ rights include (but are not limited to):

                                • during the doping control:
                                                                • bringing a representative and, if available, an interpreter;
                                                                • asking for additional information about the sample collection process;
                                                                • requesting modifications for athletes with impairments (if applicable).
                                • requesting and attending the B sample analysis (in the case of an Adverse Analytical Finding); and
                                • in the case of an Anti-Doping Rule Violation (ADRV) being asserted, the athlete has the right to a fair hearing and the right to appeal the hearing decision.

IKF Anti-Doping Athlete Consent Form

Athlete Reference Guide to the 2015 Code

Doping Control Video

At-a-Glance: About Anti-Doping leaflet

At-a-Glance: The Doping Control Process leaflet


Coaches, trainers, managers, agents and other support personnel have a role in defending clean sport and supporting the athletes in the anti-doping processes.

Athlete Support Personnel’s obligations include (but are not limited to):

                                • knowing and complying with all applicable anti-doping policies and rules, including the IKF Anti-Doping Rules and IKF Anti-Doping Policy (in line with the World Anti-Doping Code); and
                                • refraining from possessing a prohibited substance (or a prohibited method)*, administering any such substance or method to an athlete, trafficking, covering up an anti-doping rule violation (ADRV) or other forms of complicity and associating with a person convicted of doping (prohibited association). These are ADRVs applicable to Athlete Support Personnel under Article 2 of the World Anti-Doping Code and Article 2 of the IKF Anti-Doping Rules.
                                • unless the Athlete Support Personnel can establish that the possession is consistent with a TUE granted to an athlete or other acceptable justification. Acceptable justification would include, for example, a team doctor carrying Prohibited Substances for dealing with acute and emergency


Athlete Support Personnel’s rights include (but are not limited to):

                                • In the case of an ADRV being asserted, the Athlete Support Personnel has the right to a fair hearing and the right to appeal the hearing

 Sport Physician’s Tool Kit


 The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) was established in 1999 as an independent international agency and is composed and funded equally by the sport movement and governments of the world. Its key activities include in particular scientific research, education, development of anti-doping capacities, investigations and monitoring of the World Anti-Doping Code and its application by Code signatories (International Federations, National Anti-Doping Organizations, Major Event Organizations, etc.).

For more information about WADA, consult:

WADA Website

What is WADA? (video)

WADA’s Questions & Answers directory

WADA website – resources section


Anti-doping activities required of IKF by the World Anti-Doping Code include conducting in- competition and out-of-competition testing, providing education programs and sanctioning those who commit anti-doping rule violations.

If you have any anti-doping queries, please contact IKF Anti-Doping Manager

Joana Faria (IKF Secretary General) – 


NADOs are organizations designated by each country as possessing the primary authority and responsibility to adopt and implement national anti-doping rules, carry out anti-doping education, plan tests and adjudicate anti-doping rule violations at a national level. They may also test athletes from other countries competing within that nation’s borders.

Check the list of NADOs to find out who to contact in your country.

If a NADO has not been designated in a country, the National Olympic Committee (NOC), if there is no NADO, takes over these responsibilities. In a number of regions of the world, countries have pooled their resources together to create a Regional Anti-Doping Organization (RADO) responsible for conducting anti-doping activities in the region in support of NADOs.

Check the list of RADOs.

RADOs bring together geographically-clustered groups of countries where there are limited or no anti-doping activities. The RADOs provide anti-doping education for athletes, coaches and support personnel, testing of athletes, training of local personnel to undertake this task and an administrative framework to operate within.

The IKF Anti-Doping Rules 2021  and the IKF Anti-Doping Policy 2021 are based on the World Anti-Doping Code 2021 and have been adapted to korfball.

The World Anti-Doping Code is the core document that provides the framework for harmonized anti-doping policies, rules and regulations within sports organizations and among public authorities. It works in conjunction with 5 International Standards aimed at bringing harmonization among anti-doping organizations in various areas: Testing & Investigations (ISTI), Laboratories (ISL), Therapeutic Use Exemptions (ISTUE), Protection of Privacy and Personal Information (ISPPPI), and the List of Prohibited Substances and Methods.

IKF Anti-Doping Rules 2021

IKF Anti-Doping Policy 2021

 World Anti-Doping Code

International Standards 

List of Prohibited Substances and Methods

The aim of testing is to detect and deter doping among athletes to protect clean athletes.

Any athlete under the testing jurisdiction of the IKF may be tested at any time, with no advance notice, in- or out-of-competition, and be required to provide a urine or blood sample.

A-D Korfball Testing Figures 2016

A-D Korfball Testing Figures 2017

A-D Korfball Testing Figures yearly


 No-advance notice out-of-competition testing is one of the most powerful means of deterrence and detection of doping. To support this type of testing, the IKF has created testing pools as part of its testing program.

Certain athletes in the IKF testing pools, such as those in the Registered Testing Pool (RTP), are required to provide information on their whereabouts in ADAMS, WADA’s online anti-doping administration and management system.

The IKF updates the composition of the testing pools (RTP) regularly/at least yearly. Athletes in the RTP are chosen based on set criteria.

At-a-Glance: Athlete Whereabouts leaflet

WADA’s webpage on ADAMS



 Athletes who need to provide whereabouts in ADAMS for the IKF are notified by their national federation (or by the IKF in certain circumstances) of their inclusion in the IKF’s testing pool as well as what information exactly is required of them, how to use ADAMS, deadlines to submit this information and any consequences if the information required is not submitted.


whereabouts process

ADAMS login page

 Should athletes have any query on ADAMS, such as how to submit whereabouts, please contact

Joana Faria (IKF Secretary General) – 


For RTP athletes, as soon as the retirement is officially confirmed to the IKF, the athlete will be withdrawn from the IKF’s RTP with immediate effect. If an athlete wishes to resume competing, they will not be able to do so until they have given the IKF written notice of their intent to resume competing and made themselves available for testing for a period of six months. Please consult Article 5.7 of the IKF Anti-Doping Rules.


The International Korfball Federation supports the rights of clean athletes and will make every effort to identify and remove all athletes, athlete support personnel, medical staff, administrators, National Federations and others who use and encourage the use of performance-enhancing substances and methods to gain an unfair advantage over other competitors.

policy for the gathering of anti-doping information and intelligence

Report Doping link

If you want to make any doping practice report, please contact

Joana Faria (IKF Secretary General) –

The Prohibited List identifies substances and methods prohibited in-competition, at all times (i.e. in- and out-of-competition) and in particular sports. Substances and methods are classified by categories (e.g. steroids, stimulants, masking agents). The list is updated annually following an extensive consultation process facilitated by WADA.

It is each athlete’s responsibility to ensure that no prohibited substance enters his/her body and that no prohibited method is used.

Prohibited List (and Summary of Modifications of new List)

  Prohibited List website

 Many of the substances on the Prohibited List have no medical application, but for those that do, the list only contains the generic names of the pharmaceutical substances; the list does not contain brand names of the medications, which vary from country to country. Before taking any medication, please make sure to check with your prescribing physician that it does not contain a prohibited substance.

 The IKF will only allow an athlete to use a prohibited substance for medical reasons if the athlete has a valid Therapeutic Use Exemption (TUE) for the substance that the IF has granted or recognized.

Before taking any medication, please make sure to check with your prescribing physician that it does not contain a prohibited substance.

                1.  Check that the generic name or International Non-proprietary Name (INN) of any active ingredient is not prohibited under the Prohibited List (‘in- competition only’ or at ‘all times’). 
                1. Check that the medication does not contain any pharmaceutical substances that would fall within a general category that is prohibited. Many sections of the Prohibited List only contain a few examples and state that other substances with a similar chemical structure or similar biological effect(s) are also prohibited.
                1.  Be aware that intravenous infusions and/or injections of more than 50mL per 6 hour period are prohibited, regardless of the status of the substances.
                1. If you have any doubt, contact the IKF (or your NADO if you are a national- level athlete).


Useful Online Databases*

The following online country-specific drug reference databases are also available for checking the status of a medication bought in that country.

                • GlobalDRO* (for Canada, UK, USA, Japan and Australia)

* Important note: the IKF and WADA do not take responsibility for the information provided on these websites.

A TUE is a certificate granted by an anti-doping organization (IKF for international-level athletes, NADO for national-level athletes and MEO for athletes participating in an MEO event. The certificate is for a set prohibited substance, in certain dosages, with a limited period of validity. An application for a TUE must be based on a documented medical condition and diagnosis and the TUE will only be granted under strict criteria laid out in the International Standard of TUEs.

Athletes must absolutely avoid taking a medication with a prohibited substance without a valid TUE.

 The presence of a prohibited substance or its metabolites or markers in an athlete’s sample without a valid TUE is an Anti-Doping Rule Violation (ADRV), as are the use or attempted use of a prohibited substance or a prohibited method, possession, administration or attempted administration.

Athletes must, therefore, consult the Prohibited List with their prescribing physician before taking a medication to ensure that no prohibited substance is contained in the medication needed.

An International-Level Athlete whose illness or condition requires treatment with a prohibited substance or method must apply to the IKF for a TUE following the IKF’s strict TUE application process.

IKF TUE Procedures

IKF TUE application form

A player, whose illness or condition requires treatment with a prohibited substance or method, participating in one of the following IKF competitions is considered to be an International-Level Athlete and has to apply for a TUE.



IKF World Korfball Championship
IKF European Korfball Championship
IKF Asia Oceania Korfball Championship
IKF Pan-American Korfball Championship
IKF All African Korfball Championship
IKF Asia Korfball Championship
IKF Europa Cup


U21 IKF World Korfball Championship
U21 IKF European Korfball Championship
U21 IKF Asia Oceania Korfball Championship
U21 IKF Pan-American Korfball Championship
U21 IKF All African Korfball Championship
U21 IKF Asia Korfball Championship


U19 IKF World Korfball Championship
U19 IKF Open European Korfball Championship

Each TUE application will be carefully evaluated by the IKF’s Therapeutic Use Exemption Committee and will only be granted in accordance with the International Standard for TUEs and the criteria laid out in article 4 of this standard. If the TUE is granted, the athlete will then be permitted to use the medication during the period of validity of the TUE without committing an Anti-Doping Rules Violation (ADRV).

TUE applications for the recognition or grant of a TUE for International-Level Players must be sent to the IKF TUE Committee unless there is an agreement of mutual recognition with other granting bodies.


Level of play

TUE application to be sent to

Application to be submitted by

Players participating in IKF Official international events for National Teams, except U19, U17, U15 events



Players in IKF testing pool/registered testing pool



Players participating in U19, U17, U15 IKF Official events for National Teams


Retroactive TUE is allowed under ISTUE conditions


Players participating in IKF official club elite competitions



Players participating in IKF other official club competitions

National anti-doping organisation (NADO)


Players participating in international events which has been given IKF Patronage or IKF Recognition

National anti-doping organisation (NADO)


Players participating in national competitions only

National anti-doping organisation (NADO)


Regardless of whether a TUE has been granted or not, athletes should always declare on the doping control forms filled out during sample collection any medications and supplements taken within the seven days prior to sample collection, and any blood transfusions in the three months prior for blood samples.

WADA’s role in the TUE process is two-fold. First, the Agency, through its TUEC, has the right to monitor and review any TUE granted by an ADO and, following such review, to reverse any decision. Second, an athlete who submits a TUE application to an ADO (IF or NADO) and is denied a TUE, can ask WADA to review the decision. If WADA determines that denial of the TUE did not comply with the ISTUE, the Agency can reverse the decision. WADA itself does not accept TUE applications from athletes.

IKF automatically recognizes TUE decisions made pursuant to Code Article 4.4, provided that such TUE decisions have been reported and therefore are available for review by WADA and have been granted by one of the NADOs listed below:


Australia Australian Sports Anti-Doping Authority (ASADA)
Belgium NADO Flanders
Belgium French Community NADO
Belgium Ministerium der Deutschsprachigen Gemeinschaft Belgiens
Belgium Joint Communities Commission
China China Anti-Doping Agency (CHINADA)
Chinese Taipei Anti-Doping Commission, Chinese Taipei Olympic Committee
Czech Republic Anti-Doping Committee of the Czech Republic
France Agence française de lutte contre le dopage
Germany Nationale Anti Doping Agentur (NADA)
Hong Kong China Hong Kong Anti-Doping Committee
Hungary Hungarian Anti-Doping Group (HUNADO)
Indonesia Lembaga Anti-Doping Indonesia
Japan Japan Anti-Doping Agency
Netherlands Anti-Doping Authority Netherlands
New Zealand Drug Free Sport NZ
Poland Polish Anti-Doping Agency (POLADA)
Portugal Autoridade Antidopagem de Portugal (ADoP)
Slovakia Slovak Anti-Doping Agency (SADA)
South Africa South African Institute for Drug Free Sport (SAIDS)
Spain Agencia Española de Protección de la Salud en el Deporte (AEPSAD)
Turkey Turkish Anti-Doping Commission
United Kingdom UK Anti-Doping

National-Level Athletes are to apply to their National Anti-Doping Organizations (NADO) for a TUE – list of NADOs.

WADA At a Glance TUE

WADA’s webpage on TUEs

WADA’s Q&A on TUEs

Extreme caution is recommended regarding supplement use. A number of positive tests have been attributed to the misuse of supplements, poor labeling or contamination of dietary supplements.

The use of dietary supplements by athletes is a concern because in many countries the manufacturing and labeling of supplements may not follow strict rules, which may lead to a supplement containing an undeclared substance that is prohibited under anti-doping regulations. Taking a poorly labeled dietary supplement is not an adequate defense in a doping hearing.

Neither WADA nor the IKF is involved in any supplement certification process and therefore do not certify or endorse manufacturers or their products. WADA and the IKF do not control the quality or the claims of the supplements industry.

WADA’s Q&A on nutritional supplements

During 2017 and 2018, in the anti-doping testing conducted by IKF and in korfball there were no ADRV cases to report.

It may be an Anti-Doping Rule Violation (ADRV) to work with Athlete Support Personnel who has been sanctioned by the IKF, as well as any coaches, trainers, physicians or other athlete support personnel who are ineligible on account of an ADRV or who have been criminally convicted or professionally disciplined in relation to doping (see WADA’s Prohibited Association List).

The basic principle for information and education programs for doping-free sport is to preserve the spirit of sport from being undermined by doping. The primary goal of the IKF Anti-Doping education and information programs is prevention. The objective is to prevent the intentional or unintentional use by athletes of Prohibited Substances and Prohibited Methods and to develop core life skills.

The IKF’s pledge is inspired by WADA’s: “I am an athlete who has the right to participate in clean sport. I will embrace the spirit of sport, respect my competitors, my sport and all those involved in my sporting endeavors. I will Play True and Say No! To Doping.


IKF will provide athlete education in partnership with WADA through the WADA Outreach program during the IKF Championships, whenever possible.

Czech Republic U21      England U21     Portugal U21      Hong Kong U21

IKF also works in partnership with the local NADOs to provide information and educational sessions for athletes or other team personnel during the IKF Championships.


Effective prevention and clean sport values-based education programs are important to create a strong doping-free culture. WADA has developed resources for athletes, coaches, doctors and any other person who wishes to know more about anti-doping.

ADel – eLearning Tool

The anti-doping e-learning platform (ADeL) offers access to all topics related to clean sport and anti-doping. It offers courses for athletes, coaches, doctors, administrators and anyone interested in learning more about anti-doping and protecting the values of clean sport.

Coach’s Tool Kit

The Coach’s Tool Kit provides anti-doping organizations, coaching associations and universities with material that can be integrated directly into existing coach education curricula or used as a stand-alone workshop.

Sport Physician’s Tool Kit (SPTK) – online version

The SPTK is designed to inform sport physicians and team doctors of their specific responsibilities relating to anti-doping to ensure they are fully informed and understand issues specific to them. It also includes information on specific policies relating to Major Games such as needle policies, bringing and prescribing medication at Games.

Speak Up 
Help us protect the clean athlete and the integrity of sport. Every time someone steps forward with information on doping, we move closer to a clean and fair playing field for all. We know that coming forward with sensitive information is a big decision – one that you would not enter into lightly. We applaud the courage and conviction required to raise concerns about cheating. You have chosen to put your trust in us and we take this very seriously. This email address below is a secure way for you to report activity that you think goes against anti-doping rules. Please feel free to contact the Any correspondence and information you share with us will stay confidential.
Medical Committee
The Medical Committee can be contacted for questions about medical issues other then anti-doping matters. The contact person if the chair of the Medical Committee, Sandra Chung. Her e-mail address is 
The IKF is currently drafting a policy for safeguarding, to be expected by the end of 2022. In the meantime, please feel free to contact for questions regarding this topic.

Under construction

The IKF is working on a safeguarding policy that is expected by the end of 2022.