Organisational News

The IKF Executive Committee

IKF Executive Committee in 2013 as elected after the General Meeting 27 October 2013 in Lisbon (POR). From left to right: Mr Frank…

The IKF Council

IKF Council in 2013 as elected after the General Meeting 27 October 2013 in Lisbon (POR). From left to right: Mr Tim MILLER (AUS),…

Ukraine the 60th Korfball country

At the 2013 IKF AGM in Lisbon last month - 27 October 2013 - the recently constituted Lviv Regional Korfball Federation was…

1st day World Korfball Congress

The first day of the IKF World Korfball Congress In Lisbon, Portugal was opened with speeches from the president of our host the…

New website for korfball coaches

After last IKF Level IV “High Performance Coach” course was held from 27th August – 1st September 2013, the new website…