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6.4 To shoot after cutting past another attacker

Whenever an attacker player shoots the ball to the korf after his defender have been forced to give up his defending or hindering position because cutting occurred as described.

A defender, who is in a defending or hindering position within an arm’s length of his attacker, cannot follow him because the attacker takes a path so close past another attacker that the defender collides with, or is likely to collide with, this second attacker and is therefore forced to give up his defending or hindering position.

Cutting in itself is not an offence, only shooting after cutting is.

Cutting is also punishable when the cutting attacker first passes the ball to one of his teammates to improve his position and then shoots from the return pass.

If the defender is not at an arm’s length from the attacker when he runs close by a teammate, then ‘cutting’ does not apply and the shot must be allowed.

After being forced to give up his defending or hindering position because cutting occurred, if the defender does not immediately try to recover his initial position then the shot is allowed and no cutting can be considered.