
The Art of Korfball Coaching by Ben Crum

The IKF is happy to present the product the Erasmus+ 2021 project initiated and coordinated by the KNKV. The book ‘The Art of Korfball Coaching’ is written for korfball coaches on level 3 and 4, who are interested in korfball coaching theory. The extensive framework addresses various topics, such as performance behaviour, korfball theory, and coaching practice. Furthermore, the book includes a lot of videos to bring theory and practice together. The book was produced in collaboration with Marmara University (Turkey), Czech Korfball Association, and Deutscher Turnerbund e.V. (Germany).

The book will be used by the IKF to further develop the IKF Coach Courses Level 3 and Level 4, and it will be made available on the Korfball Academy. The book is free to read and use for anyone who is interested in korfball coaching, and can freely be shared.

The book is available HERE.



IKF Level III “Youth and talent coach camp” starts in Dordrecht

Finally 16 attendees started last Monday 22nd the 2nd edition of “Youth and talent coach camp”. After change of location of the course to Dordrecht and the excellent facilities of the club DeetosSnel, KNKV provides a very intensive week learning program of theoretical and practical sessions; at the same time the program is implement with a visit to a game of the Dutch national team and different club training sessions.

Participants are coming mainly from European countries, seven in total, and other non-European like Dominican Republic, Brazil, USA and Nepal.

Peter Busik (Slovakia)
Luis Rosa (Catalonia)
Xavi Vidal (Catalonia)
Johan Oosterling (The Netherlands)
Tamara Siemieniuk (Poland)
Kevin Robson (Belgium)
Jakub Massa (Czech Republic)
Rob Williams (England)
Vinicius Gama (Brazil)
Guillem Castanyer (Dominican Rep)
Leandro Tavares (Brazil)
Laudys Zapata (Dominican Rep)
Yoan Sanchez (Dominican Rep)
Laxman Gautam (Nepal)
Clairlynn Rountree (USA)
HErman Egberts (The Netherlands)

The course offers the opportunity to learn every detail from the coaching of korfball and to share this experience with other participants from all around the world. Tutors are Ben Crum and Jan Sjouke van den Bos who bring their expertise and knowledge into the sessions of the course. The closure of the course will be friday 26th where participants will obtain their diploma as IKF Level III coach.


Coach education for Costa Rica pioneers

In late September IKF instructor Jorge Alves was in Costa Rica where he worked with the budding korfball community to progress the skills of a group of local coaches who will lead development in the IKF’s newest member country.

Nineteen people participated at the IKF Level II “Formation Coach” course, for a total of 35 hours, with 12 of the coaches taking part in the IKF’s on-line coach development programme.

Teaching 19 new coaches is another step forward for the Costa Rica Korfball Association (“Asociación de Korfball y Deportes Asociados”). Subsequently, on 1 November, the IKF Council approved Costa Rica’s membership application, subject to final ratification by the IKF General Meeting scheduled for November 2015 in Belgium, which should officially make Costa Rica the 63rd IKF member.

Costa Rica’s newly qualified coaches have already started to introduce korfball into primary and secondary schools, with the aim of setting up a competition in the cities of Cartago and San José.

Korfball promo trip in South America

The korfball promo trip in South America is a huge success. The cooperation between IKF and KNKV contributes to the goals of spreading korfball over the world. Both in Brazil and Argentina the group of trainers and players received a lot of attention and was part in many succesful training sessions. Many students had their first experiences with korfball.

You can watch headlines in the trip. Have a look and watch the three videos produced during the trip; see under ‘Videos’ in the IKF website or the ikfchannel on YouTube.

Netherlands stars boost Latin America korfball

A two-week tour by a high-powered delegation from Europe, including four Netherlands stars, will give korfball in Latin America a big boost this month.

knkv u23 at airport

Top players from the Dutch national under-23 team are accompanying KNKV’s master coach Jan Sjouke van den Bos, first to Brazil, then to Argentina, on a tour that will combine promotion, coaching and referee clinics and a pan-American international korfball tournament.

Starting in Sao Paulo, the Netherlands stars, Jelmer Jonker, Jet Hendriks, Barbara Brouwer, Marijn Van De Goorbergh and their coach, will conduct clinics in schools and universities, as well as providing training support for the regular teams located in the city of Americana.

Next they travel to Rio de Janeiro, where coach advisor Dick Kalkman of The Netherlands and referee Dani Ezpeleta from Catalonia join them. On 11 October they will be part of the National Brazilian Korfball Championship, before heading to Copacabana the next day for a beach korfball promotion on one of the world’s most famous beaches.

Leaving Brazil, they go to first Buenos Aires then La Plata in Argentina for another series of promotional activities in schools and universities, conducting clinics for physical education teachers and training with local teams.

Over the weekend of 18 and 19 October, the highlight of the tour will be the Torneo Internacional de Korfball – Argentina 2014, with national teams from Brazil and Colombia joining the host, Argentina, which will participate for the first time ever in an international korfball event.

IKF is grateful for the assistance of KNKV in setting up this tour, and also to IKF instructor and national coach of Brazil, Jorge Alves from Portugal, for co-ordinating activities.

Changes in the Rules of Korfball as of 20140901

The Rules of Korfball will change as of 20140901.

The Rules will come into effect for the IKF from 1 September 2014 but countries may bring forward to an earlier date or put back the date of implementation to no later than 1 July 2015.

The revised Rules of Korfball, the Guidance notes for the Rules of Korfball and the changes are published in the IKF website as well under Documents and Playing Rules.

1st day World Korfball Congress

The first day of the IKF World Korfball Congress In Lisbon, Portugal was opened with speeches from the president of our host the FPC, Mr Mario Almeida, Mr Guerreiro, Secretary of State for Sports and Dr Jan Fransoo, IKF President in front of around 60 special guests, IKF delegates and committee members.

The sessions were on;

  1. The IKF Year of the Youth 2013
  2. Refereeing
  3. Development and Education
  4. Equal gender policy.

There was great interest in the subjects and many interesting new suggestions from the audience were added to the ideas and plans presented.

New website for korfball coaches

After last IKF Level IV “High Performance Coach” course was held from 27th August – 1st September 2013, the new website for korfball coaches was launched at .

The website is created to share content about the training and coaching of korfball, so all coaches are invited to log in and share information about their training exercises. At the same time they can find information about coaching materials, courses, etc.

To participate in “Coaching Korfball” website requires logging in including personal information, therefore it will allow IKF to create a database recruiting information from persons involved in coaching at all levels: from P.E. Teachers need to find exercises for their trainings to regular korfball coaches in different parts of the world.

“Coaching Korfball” website contains different sections to feed the background of coaches formation. In the section Training exercises, you may find exercises for trainings at different levels; to IKF Education where there is information about courses and clinics. At the same time there are some other sections as Rules and Promotional , where registered coaches and P.E. Teachers can find materials to show the very basics of korfball.

IKF Level IV “High Performance Coach” Course great success

The IKF Master Coach Clinic in Dordrecht, The Netherlands was very intense. The 12 participants and 7 the tutors worked hard during 5 days. The agenda covered many topics relevant for the “High Performance Coach” working in the area of topkorfball.

The participants arrived Tuesday 27 August from 9 countries.  The longest trips were made by Inglish Huang from Chinese Taipei and Warman Cheng from HongKong. But attendants from Russia, Germany, Belgium, England, Czech Republic, Catalonia, and Portugal contributed as well.

Sunday 1 September this part of the course came to an end. In the next few months the attendants will work at home on their ‘homework’. The reactions from attendants were positive; “this adds to my coach qualities”, “excellent to communicate with coaches from other countries”, good to learn from very experienced international coaches”, good to discover the facilities of software to analyse korfball matches”.

Project manager Ben Crum was very satisfied and tired after five heavy days.

Frans Walvis, IKF Senior Vice-President, was present on the last day to express the great value of this course in the light of the IKF strategy; 6 countries should compete for the highest places in the IKF elite events. Walvis mentioned to the participants: “Have a safe journey home and spread the word that this course is a valuable asset in further developing your coach abilities and will help you to improve the level of play in your home country. Tell other countries as well that this course is available”. Of course Walvis took the opportunity to thank project manager Ben Crum, the KNKV and Albert Vidanya from the IKF for their great efforts in this success.

The IKF Level IV “High Performance Coach” course is ready to start 27th August

Everything is ready for the start of first edition of for IKF Level IV “High Performance Coach” course during the week from  27th August to 1st September 2013. The city of Dordrecht and the great accommodation of DeetosSnel will host the first stage of a course that will be developed during the period August – December 2013.

During this first stage attendants will receive the instruction designed by Program Manager Mr Ben Crum. The “korfball guru” has designed a program of topics that will be developed by the best assortment of tutors and coaches possible, in order to implement the theory contained at his last “IKF Guide to korfball coaching” successful book.

Coaches and tutors appointed to run the different topics will be from in and out the korfball sphere. As korfball instructors, some names appointed to run the different topics are:

–       Jan Sjouke van den Bos (Coach Dutch National team 1999-2013)
–       Gert-Jan Kraaijeveld (Assistant Coach Dutch National team 2009-2013)
–       Wim Scholtmeijer (Coach Dutch National U21/U23 team period 2010-2013 and new Coach senior National Team)
–       Daniel de Rudder (Coach Belgium National team 1984 -1990 and Coach of National Teams of South-Africa, Poland and Turkey in different periods) and
–       Wim Bakker (Coach at Koog Zaandijk. Dutch Indoor Champion 2008, 2010 and IKF Europa Cup Champion 2009)

At the same time, there are other non-korfball lecturers involved to support the program of the IKF Level IV “High Performance Coach” course; tutors Raymond Verheijen and Peter Beek, are expected to deliver and outside vision about their main topics respectively: “Sport physiology and Physical Conditioning” and “Neurology and motor learning”.

Tutor Raymond Verheijen is well known in the football world as a founder of UK Football Academy and Dutch Football Academy, but also as assistant coach and physical trainer specialist performing in National Teams of The Netherlands, South-Korea, Russia or Wales but also at club level with Glasgow Rangers, Barcelona or Chelsea.

On the other hand, Peter Beek is developing a long career already as researcher in “Neurology and motor learning”. He is professor in “human movement sciences” at Department of Motor Behavior, Faculty of Human Movement Sciences, VU University Amsterdam

In order to follow this program starting next 27th August, KNKV TOP 6 Program supports the scholarship entry fee of a number of coaches who have been appointed by the different national organizations according to the terms of the TOP 6 Program:

  Country Attendants M/F National Team Current league team/Country
1 ENG Dave Buckland M Head Coach Seniors   England Tornadoes  /ENG
2 GER Detlef Dulfer M Coach U16 Germany Albatros / GER
3 CZE Ivo Kracik M Head Coach Seniors   Czech Republic Ceske Bujedovice /   CZE
4 CAT Rosendo Garcia M Coach U23 Catalonia CEVG / CAT
5 CAT David Rua M Coach U19 Catalonia CK Montcada / CAT
6 RUS Sergey Nizovsky M Head Coach Seniors   Russia
7 HK Warman Cheng M Head Coach Hong-Kong
8 POR Joana Faria F Coach U19 Portugal  Benfica 2nd   Div/POR
9 TAI Inglish Huang M Head Coach Nat. Team   Chinese Taipei
10 POR Jorge Alves M Head Coach Seniors   Brazil
11 CZE David Schwarz M Coach Czech Republic   Academy Korfball School Decin   / CZE

After the Stage 1 will be celebrated during last week of August , attendants will follow Stage 2 of 15 weeks of on-line lessons during the period September – December 2013, and finally the learning program will finish with Stage 3 during next Challenge Tournament in Rotterdam.


IKF Level IV Coaching Course

The recent IKF Level IV Coaching course under management of Mr Ben Crum, IKF Honorary Member. We give you a few impressions.