IKF Europa Cup 2019 1st Round: Day 2 results, reviews & images

Day 2 at the IKF Europa Cup 2019 First Round in Kocaeli brought us 6 different games after Friday’s two first matches. These were today’s games, all live on www.worldkorfball.org.





GAME #3: Bonson FJEP (FRA) – CK Castellbisbal (CAT) 6 – 20 (5-11)

Statistics: worldkorfball.org/matches/bonson-fjep-club-korfbal-castellbisbal-2242

Two attacks, two goals! (1-1) An amazing start from Bonson in the winning mood countered by the Catalans, struggling to keep chances to qualify for the final round in January.

It must be said that Castellbisbal was concentrated from the very start and successful shooting (Irene Figueroa) lead to what would later turn out to be a decisive result. Bonson had difficulties to disturb the speedy tempo from the opponent. However every Catalan mistake often resulted in a French score. Unfortunately a successful buzzer shot was not accorded due to a right decision of the Turkish referee.

In the second half the match was more or less controlled by the leading team. Bonson was incapable to narrow the gap. On the other hand multiple substitutions did not affect the quality of the Catalan game resulting in an obvious final score.

A final remark. With respect to the winners of the match, spectators saw one of the best recent French club teams. In this respect it is appreciated that a former player, Denis Dancert, decided to stay committed as a coach after finishing his career as a player.

GAME #4: Cardiff City & Met KC (WAL) – 1908 SZAC KSE (HUN) 4 – 23 (1-13)

Statistics: worldkorfball.org/matches/cardiff-city-met-korfball-club-1908-szac-kse-2243

It is going good with korfball in Hungary and one would be curious if this could be shown in the first game of the tournament. And indeed, from the beginning the Hungarians took the initiative forcing Cardiff to take a time out to rearrange the defence.

For Cardiff, with matches against the Turkish and the Catalan champion ahead, it was an all or nothing game. The Hungarians dominated the game from the start with a clear score even at the end of the first half. But then the team is the major supplier of players for the national squad that may dream to qualify for the IKF WKC in October.

Because of the difference in score Cardiff gave up all hope whereas SZAC started to prepare for more crucial matches ahead.

GAME #5: 1908 SZAC KSE (HUN) – Bonson FJEP (FRA) 23 – 12 (12-7)

Statistics: worldkorfball.org/matches/1908-szac-kse-bonson-fjep-2244

Courage! That is the ingredient that is needed when you compete against a much too strong opponent. And, without minimizing the merits of ZSAC, the French did what they could to keep the score acceptable.

Sometimes it is important to reset the goal when there is so much domination. Trying to score half of the goals of the opponent may then be a success. And the French succeeded to obtain this result against SZAC that would keep all options open to qualify for Belgium next year.


GAME #6: Marmara University SC (TUR) – Cardiff City & Met KC (WAL) 20 – 4 (11-3)

Statistics: worldkorfball.org/matches/marmara-university-sport-club-cardiff-city-met-korfball-club-2245

Also here a strong team from Turkey had no problems with an opponent that still has a long way to go. As it happens then often scores from the underdog are cheered much louder than beautiful athletic movements of others.

With upcoming key matches in mind, Marmara slowly strolled to an easy win without too much resistance from the Welsh.


GAME #7: CK Castellbisbal (CAT) – 1908 SZAC KSE (HUN) 12 – 17 (8-8)

Statistics: worldkorfball.org/matches/club-korfbal-castellbisbal-1908-szac-kse-2246

The most interesting match of the second day would decide whether the Catalan champion would still have a chance to qualify for the final round. Only by beating the opponent , that could be achieved.

The Catalan topscorers Parròn and Figueroa were focussed from the start to create a small gap (7-4) This was the sign for the Hungarian coach to bring more rebound power in defence to disturb these dangerous attackers. And with success! (7-6)

With a missed penalty on the Hungarian side the first half promised a clash for later.

SZAC was clearly the better team after the break. The defenders gave pressure on the shooters with team mates unable to take over (8-12)

Despite several other missed penalties from SZAC the gap steadily grew to an insurmountable 10-16

With this result SZAC may order tickets for Belgium.


GAME #8: Marmara University SC (TUR) – Bonson FJEP (FRA) 12 – 10 (7-7)

Statistics: worldkorfball.org/matches/marmara-university-sport-club-bonson-fjep-2247

The French needed two attacks to force a 0-2 lead. Changing zones brought Marmara back in the game. One could have thought that, from then on, Marmara would overwhelm their opponents but, as been said before, with the right spirit this French team would not let go (5-6)

One would wonder whether Bonson would be able to continue this way after tea.

It took 5 minutes for a team to score. Turkish attempts remained unanswered and Bonson now had more faith than skill (10-8) Time now was running out for Bonson. Due to a serious injury the team had a late revival but not enough to keep Marmara from victory.

Now that the qualified teams are known the third day will only decide who will be the winner of the first round. We look forward to see what spectacle these teams have to offer.







During three days, five European clubs play to be one of the two best teams of this tournament and automatically be qualified for the next IKF Europa Cup 2019. This ECUP Final Round will be played from 10 to 12 January 2019 in Kortrijk, Belgium, with 8 national European club champions competing.

The Turkish Korfball Federation is the local organizer, with the support and collaboration of Kocaeli University. All games are played in the following venue in Kocaeli: Gazanfer Bilge Sports Hall.



Country  Team
HUNGARY 1908 SZAC Budapest
WALES Cardiff City & Met
CATALONIA Club Korfbal Castellbisbal
TURKEY Marmara University Sport Club


You can also follow this IKF ECUP 2019 1st Round on IKF social media profiles and using the hashtags #ECUP2019 and #korfball:

DAY 2 IMAGE GALLERY, by Fatih Osma.

On Instagram, Facebook and Twitter: @fatihhosma

IKF Europa Cup 2019 1st Round: Day 1 results, reviews & images

The 1st day at the IKF Europa Cup 2019 First Round in Kocaeli has brought the following results:




GAME #1: Marmara University SC (TUR) 11 – CK Castellbisbal (CAT) 7

Statistics: worldkorfball.org/matches/marmara-university-sport-club-club-korfbal-castellbisbal-2240

In the beautiful sports venue of Kocaeli on a warm Indian summer evening, a thrilling opening match was disputed between two teams eager to qualify for the IKF Europa Cup final round.

On paper one could expect that the Catalan champion had not much to fear from a less experienced opponent. However, from the very start the Turkish team gave a lot of pressure in defense and after a short study round, Marmara found its way to the korf. The score at half time (5-2) came as a surprise for most while others had the impression that not the best Catalan players had started.

Very accurate shooting came as an answer to many Catalan substitutions that brought no relief on the chaotic play. Marmara continued to stretch the attacks and, towards the end, time running out became an enemy for Castellbisbal.

GAME #2: Cardiff City & Met Korfball Club (WAL) 12 – Bonson FJEP (FRA) 14

Statistics: worldkorfball.org/matches/cardiff-city-met-korfball-club-bonson-fjep-2241

If the playing level was lower in this match the players enthusiasm was not. A quick start of the Welsh somewhat overwhelmed the opponent but it was just that Bonson needed more time to get into the game.

The match was very much enjoyed both by players and spectators as they saw two teams with equal strength which lead to an unpredictable final outcome at half time.

Some misunderstandings with substitutions in the French compartment resulted in loss of concentration creating chances for Cardiff to create a gap. When Bonson regained confidence it became the better team with better ball recuperation in defence.

Cardiff was physically not able to prevent French shooters from creating a decisive gap.





During three days, five European clubs will play to be one of the two best teams of this tournament and automatically be qualified for the next IKF Europa Cup 2019. This ECUP Final Round will be played from 10 to 12 January 2019 in Kortrijk, Belgium, with 8 national European club champions competing.

The Turkish Korfball Federation is the local organizer, with the support and collaboration of Kocaeli University. All games will be played in the following venue in Kocaeli: Gazanfer Bilge Sports Hall.


Country  Team
HUNGARY 1908 SZAC Budapest
WALES Cardiff City & Met
CATALONIA Club Korfbal Castellbisbal
TURKEY Marmara University Sport Club


You can also follow this IKF ECUP 2019 1st Round on IKF social media profiles and using the hashtags #ECUP2019 and #korfball:

DAY 1 IMAGE GALLERY, by Fatih Osma.

On Instagram, Facebook and Twitter: @fatihhosma

All ready for the 1st Round of the IKF Europa Cup 2019 [live streaming]

Next Friday, September 21st, the First Round of the IKF Europa Cup 2019 will start in Kocaeli, Turkey.

During three days, five European clubs will play to be one of the two best teams of this tournament and automatically be qualified for the next IKF Europa Cup 2019. This ECUP Final Round will be played from 10 to 12 January 2019 in Kortrijk, Belgium, with 8 national European club champions competing.

The Turkish Korfball Federation is the local organizer, with the support and collaboration of Kocaeli University. All games will be played in the following venue in Kocaeli: Gazanfer Bilge Sports Hall.


Country  Team
HUNGARY 1908 SZAC Budapest
WALES Cardiff City & Met
CATALONIA Club Korfbal Castellbisbal
TURKEY Marmara University Sport Club

You can follow this tournament live on IKF data website: www.worldkorfball.org, with all the statistics, play-by-play, top scorers, rankings, etc.

[UPDATE: Watch it live on Korfball Turkey special youtube channel: www.youtube.com/channel/UCQGUF3GUrSMRsCG0L1tO9Wg

Match schedule, tournament rules and more on ➡️ ikf.org/event/ikf-europa-cup-2019-1st-round

You can also follow this IKF ECUP 2019 1st Round on IKF social media profiles and using the hashtags #ECUP2019 and #korfball:



Match schedule IKF Europa Cup 2019 First Round available

The weekend of 21, 22 and 23 September 2018 is the kick-off weekend for the IKF Europa Cup 2019; the Korfball Champions League for European club teams. In the city of Kocaeli, Turkey five national champions will compete in the Europa Cup First Round. The two best teams of this event will automatically qualify for the Europa Cup Final Round in Kortrijk (Belgium) from 10-12 January 2019. They will join the six countries that already secured their spot during the 2018 IKF Europa Cup edition.


1908 SZAC Budapest HUN
Cardiff City & Met WAL
Club Korfbal Castellbisbal CAT


Match schedule, tournament rules and more on ➡️ ikf.org/event/ikf-europa-cup-2019-1st-round

You can follow all games play-by-play through IKF live data website on worldkorfball.org.

More images, reports, highlights, interviews, videos and curiosities will be available also on IKF social media profiles (#korfball):

Pool draw of the IKF European Korfball Championship 2018

Published the pool draw of the next IKF European Korfball Championship 2018 that will take place from 13 to 21 October 2018 in The Netherlands.

The draw took place this evening April, 17th in the city of Leeuwarden by Wiebe Wieling (chairman Cultural Capital Leeuwarden 2018, The Frisian Eleven), Michiel Schrier (province Friesland), Marloes Frieswijk and Erwin Zwart (Dutch national team players), under supervision of Gert Dijkstra (IKF Competition Committee).


Participant countries: Belgium, Catalonia, Czech Republic, England, France, Germany, Hungary, Ireland, The Netherlands (reigning champion), Poland, Portugal, Scotland, Serbia, Slovakia, Turkey and Wales.

Images: Marco Spelten (Actiefotografie – actiefotografie.nl)




IKF European Korfball Championship 2018 participants

The next IKF European Korfball Championship (IKF EKC) will be competed between 16 countries.

The countries are: Belgium, Catalonia, Czech Republic, England, France, Germany, Hungary, Ireland, The Netherlands (reigning champion), Poland, Portugal, Scotland, Serbia, Slovakia, Turkey and Wales.

The IKF EKC are to be held from 13 to 21 October 2018 in the Netherlands, in the cities of Drachten, Gorredijk, Heerenveen and Leeuwarden.

The pool draw – 4 pools of 4 each – will take place 17 April 2018 in Leeuwarden.

We will publish the pools 18 April.


The IKF U19 OEKC 2018 Champion is… The Netherlands!

The 2018 IKF U19 Open European Korfball Champion is The Netherlands, after winning 25-18 the Belgian squad in today’s big final in Leeuwarden’s Kalverdijkje Sporthal. Six intense and exciting games decided the final ranking pool of the tournament. Belgium won the silver medal after a great tournament, and England beated Portugal in the Bronze medal game (12-24).

1st Netherlands
2nd Belgium
3rd England
4th Portugal
5th Germany
6th Catalonia
7th Czech Republic
8th Hungary
9th New Zealand
10th Poland
11th NED RTC North
12th Brazil

DAY 3 RESULTS (Sunday, 1-April-2018)
09:00 Brazil 13 – RTC North 30
10:15 Czech Republic 20 – Hungary 10
11:30 Germany 24 – Catalonia 13
12:45 Poland 10 – New Zealand 23
14:00 Portugal 12 – England 24
15:15 Netherlands 25 – Belgium 18




Live Results
Top scorers (updated)

Livestreaming of the games & interviews:
Livestream: Hall 1
Livestream: Hall 2

Social media profiles:
Instagram IKF U19 OEKC
Facebook IKF U19 OEKC
Twitter IKF U19 OEKC

IKF Event Site on FB (results, images and video recaps): www.facebook.com/events/1669367879797589/?active_tab=discussion

All information, pools, tournament rules and matches schedule are available on ikf.org/event/ikf-u19-open-european-korfball-championship.

From March 30th to April 1st 2018, the National U19 teams of Belgium, Brazil, Catalonia, Czech Republic, England, Germany, Hungary, Netherlands, New Zealand, Poland,  Portugal and Netherlands RTC North were facing each other at the IKF U19 Open European Korfball Championship 2018 in Friesland, The Netherlands, in Kalverdijkje Sporthal.

All images, reports, interviews, videos and curiosities were available live 24/7 also on IKF social media profiles (#IKFU19OEKC):

DAY 3 IMAGE GALLERY (Sunday, April 1st, 2018):
By Marco Spelten (@actiefotografieNL)

IKF U19 OEKC 2018 Day 2: Results, videos, images and finals schedule

Day 2 has finished at the IKF U19 Open European Korfball Championship 2018 in Friesland, The Netherlands.  Today’s 1st game decided which team qualified for the fight for 1-8 place. The next 4 matches scheduled decided the teams that will play for final places 1-4 and 5-8.



After today’s results, this is the finals match schedule: At 10:15 for 7th-8th place and at 11:30, for 5th-6th. The Bronze medal game will start at 14:00 between Portugal and England and later on, at 15:15, the IKF U19 OEKC 2018 Final: Netherlands – Belgium.


Live Results
Top scorers (updated)

Livestreaming of the games & interviews:
Livestream: Hall 1
Livestream: Hall 2

Social media profiles:
Instagram IKF U19 OEKC
Facebook IKF U19 OEKC
Twitter IKF U19 OEKC

IKF Event Site on FB (results, images and video recaps): www.facebook.com/events/1669367879797589/?active_tab=discussion

All information, pools, tournament rules and matches schedule are available on ikf.org/event/ikf-u19-open-european-korfball-championship.

From March 30th to April 1st 2018, the National U19 teams of Belgium, Brazil, Catalonia, Czech Republic, England, Germany, Hungary, Netherlands, New Zealand, Poland,  Portugal and Netherlands RTC North are facing each other at the IKF U19 Open European Korfball Championship 2018 in Friesland, The Netherlands, in Kalverdijkje Sporthal.

All images, reports, interviews, videos and curiosities will be available live 24/7 also on IKF social media profiles (#IKFU19OEKC):

DAY 2 IMAGE GALLERY (Saturday, March 31th, 2018):
By Marco Spelten (@actiefotografieNL)

IKF U19 OEKC 2018 Day 1: Results, videos, images and updated schedule

Day 1 has ended at the IKF U19 Open European Korfball Championship 2018 in Friesland. Here you have all today’s results and Saturday’s match schedule after these first games:


Saturday’s 1st game will decide which team will qualify for the fight for 1-8 place. The next 4 matches scheduled will decide the teams that will play for places 1-4 and 5-8.


Live Results
Top scorers (updated)

Livestreaming of the games & interviews:
Livestream: Hall 1
Livestream: Hall 2

Social media profiles:
Instagram IKF U19 OEKC
Facebook IKF U19 OEKC
Twitter IKF U19 OEKC

IKF Event Site on FB (results, images and video recaps): www.facebook.com/events/1669367879797589/?active_tab=discussion

All information, pools, tournament rules and matches schedule are available on ikf.org/event/ikf-u19-open-european-korfball-championship.

From March 30th to April 1st 2018, the National U19 teams of Belgium, Brazil, Catalonia, Czech Republic, England, Germany, Hungary, Netherlands, New Zealand, Poland,  Portugal and Netherlands RTC North are facing each other at the IKF U19 Open European Korfball Championship 2018 in Friesland, The Netherlands, in Kalverdijkje Sporthal.

All images, reports, interviews, videos and curiosities will be available live 24/7 also on IKF social media profiles (#IKFU19OEKC):


DAY 1 IMAGE GALLERY (Friday, March 30th, 2018):
By Marco Spelten (@actiefotografieNL)

The IKF U19 Open European Korfball Championship 2018 is ready to start in Leeuwarden!

From March 30th to April 1st 2018, the National U19 teams of Belgium, Brazil, Catalonia, Czech Republic, England, Germany, Hungary, Netherlands, New Zealand, Poland,  Portugal and Netherlands RTC North will face each other at the IKF U19 Open European Korfball Championship 2018 in Friesland, The Netherlands. The venue: Kalverdijkje Sporthal, Leeuwarden.


Livestreaming of the games & interviews:
Livestream: Hall 1
Livestream: Hall 2

Social media profiles:
Instagram IKF U19 OEKC
Facebook IKF U19 OEKC
Twitter IKF U19 OEKC

IKF Event Site on FB (results, images and video recaps): www.facebook.com/events/1669367879797589/?active_tab=discussion

All information, pools, tournament rules and matches schedule are available on ikf.org/event/ikf-u19-open-european-korfball-championship.



This year’s U19 tournament is a special one, while for the first time ever this long existent event has got an official IKF status.


All images, reports, interviews, videos and curiosities will be available live 24/7 also on IKF social media profiles (#IKFU19OEKC):