The first IKF Open European Beach Korfball Championship will be played Saturday 19 and Sunday 20 August 2017 in The Hague, The Netherlands. [Watch the promotional video]
This 4 vs 4 event is open for teams in the categories Senior and Under 19. Each team will consist of a maximum of 6 players: 3 females + 3 males.
The Royal Dutch Korfball Federation (KNKV) is the organiser of this event.
All the info, updated schedule, results and much more on www.beachkorfball.com
Some additional information:
- All National Federations (worldwide) have received an official invitation letter including entry forms for the Senior and Under 19 category.
- A & B countries are allowed to subscribe 2 teams per category, C/D/E countries can subscribe 1 team per category.
- It’s up to the National Federations to decide how to select their national team(s). This can be done by organising a National Championship and sending the winner(s), or just by selecting the best players available.
- Deadline to subscribe teams for the tournament was 15 May 2017. The official players list must be known before the end of July.
- Drawing of the tournament groups is done in July.
To stay posted about all information, please also follow the IKF Facebook page (www.facebook.com/korfball.org)
For further information or questions, please visit www.beachkorfball.com or contact beachkorfball@ikf.org