Cali korfball community developing
The Cali (COL) korfball community is gradually growing and developing. While on an inspection visit for The World Games, which are due to be held in Cali (COL) this Summer, IKF President Fransoo met with local korfball developer Mr Pedro Sanchez, and attended a training session of some of the Cali players.
Currently, the total community is still small, and consists of about 35 players, mostly students of various universities in Cali. The main limitations are the availability of a space to practice, and the lack of korfball knowledge. However, during the visit, the IKF signed an agreement with the Escuela Nacional de Deporte and the Sports Administration of the City of Cali to work together to develop korfball, as a legacy to The World Games korfball presence. As part of the agreement, the city will make available a permanent outdoor space for training and playing. The space, in one of the sports parks at a central location in the city, will allow thousands of Calenos to watch and experience korfball. Further, the IKF will work with the END to educate korfball coaches, such that korfball could be included in the elective course program of END, and the coaches could work with Cali’s 22 communities to teach korfball to kids across the city.