IKF EKC 2018 Day 5: Results, images and full games

Fifth day at the IKF EKC 2018. From 13 to 21 October 2018 in the northern province Friesland in The Netherlands, the cities of Drachten, Gorredijk, Heerenveen and Leeuwarden are hosting the IKF European Korfball Championship 2018. Fifteen* (15) countries are competing to be the new European champion and also looking for one of the last ten (10) places that qualify to play the 2019 IKF World Korfball Championship in Durban, South Africa.

IKF EKC 2018: Day 5 Match schedule
Wednesday, 17-Oct-2018

You can follow and watch all games live on www.worldkorfball.org
Full tournament schedule on ikf.org/?p=12202

Host city: Leeuwarden

#  Time Wed,17-Oct  Leeuwarden Result  Video/Stats
27 14:45 Portugal Catalonia 21-13 📺 / 📊
28 16:30 England Belgium 17-22 📺 / 📊
29 18:15 Germany Hungary  20-17 📺 / 📊
30 20:00 The Netherlands Czech Republic 35-10 📺 / 📊

Host city: Gorredijk

#  Time Wed,17-Oct  Gorredijk  Result  Video/Stats
31 14:45
32 16:30 Wales France 12-6 📺 / 📊
33 18:15 Ireland Scotland  15-13 📺 / 📊
34 20:00 Slovakia Serbia 22-19 📺 / 📊


Day 5 Match reviews


Referees & jurys daily apointments

Click here to see the appointments.

Follow the tournament live!

Don’t miss this great tournament and follow it daily on www.worldkorfball.org (live streaming games, live statistics, play-by-play, rankings, top scorers,…), and 24/7 on IKF social media profiles and via the hashtags #EKC2018, #thisiskorfball and #korfball:

The Royal Dutch Korfball Federation (KNKV) is the organizer of this IKF EKC 2018. You can find more information and buy tickets for all games through the official website of the event: www.thisiskorfball.com (site in Dutch and English).

Day 5 Image gallery

By Marco Spelten and Gertrude de Vries: korfbalfoto.nl

IKF EKC 2018 Day 4: Results, images and full games

Tuesday, October 16th is the fourth day of competition at the IKF EKC 2018. From 13 to 21 October 2018 in the northern province Friesland in The Netherlands, the cities of Drachten, Gorredijk, Heerenveen and Leeuwarden are hosting the IKF European Korfball Championship 2018. Fifteen* (15) countries are competing to be the new European champion and also looking for one of the last ten (10) places that qualify to play the 2019 IKF World Korfball Championship in Durban, South Africa.

IKF EKC 2018: Day 4 (Tuesday, 16-Oct-2018)

You can follow and watch all games live on www.worldkorfball.org
Full tournament schedule on ikf.org/?p=12202

Host city: Gorredijk

#  Time Mon,15-Oct  Gorredijk  Result  Video/Stats
25 18:15 Hungary Poland 17-16 📺 / 📊
26 20:00 Czech Republic Slovakia 33-12 📺 / 📊

Day 4 Match reviews


Referees & jurys daily apointments

Click here to see the appointments.

Day 5 Schedule (Wednesday, 17-Oct-2018)

Host city: Leeuwarden

#  Time Wed,17-Oct  Leeuwarden Result  Video/Stats
27 14:45 Portugal Catalonia 0-0 📺 / 📊
28 16:30 England Belgium 0-0 📺 / 📊
29 18:15 Germany Hungary  0-0 📺 / 📊
30 20:00 The Netherlands Czech Republic 0-0 📺 / 📊


Host city: Gorredijk

#  Time Wed,17-Oct  Gorredijk  Result  Video/Stats
31 14:45
32 16:30 Wales France 0-0 📺 / 📊
33 18:15 Ireland Scotland  0-0 📺 / 📊
34 20:00 Slovakia Serbia 0-0 📺 / 📊


Follow the tournament live!

Don’t miss this great tournament and follow it daily on www.worldkorfball.org (live streaming games, live statistics, play-by-play, rankings, top scorers,…), and 24/7 on IKF social media profiles and via the hashtags #EKC2018, #thisiskorfball and #korfball:

The Royal Dutch Korfball Federation (KNKV) is the organizer of this IKF EKC 2018. You can find more information and buy tickets for all games through the official website of the event: www.thisiskorfball.com (site in Dutch and English).

Day 4 Image gallery

By Marco Spelten and Gertrude de Vries: korfbalfoto.nl

IKF EKC 2018: Referees & jurys daily appointments

Here you will find the daily appointments of referees and jurys for each EKC 2018 game.

IKF EKC 2018: Day 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 & 8

From 13 to 21 October 2018 in the northern province Friesland in The Netherlands, the cities of Drachten, Gorredijk, Heerenveen and Leeuwarden are hosting the IKF European Korfball Championship 2018. Fifteen* (15) countries are competing to be the new European champion and also looking for one of the last ten (10) places that qualify to play the 2019 IKF World Korfball Championship in Durban, South Africa.

Don’t miss this great tournament and follow it daily on www.worldkorfball.org (live streaming games, live statistics, play-by-play, rankings, top scorers,…), and 24/7 on IKF social media profiles and via the hashtags #EKC2018, #thisiskorfball and #korfball:

The Royal Dutch Korfball Federation (KNKV) is the organizer of this IKF EKC 2018. You can find more information and buy tickets for all games through the official website of the event: www.thisiskorfball.com (site in Dutch and English).

IKF EKC 2018 Day 3: Results, ranking pools, images and full games

Third day at the IKF EKC 2018. From 13 to 21 October 2018 in the northern province Friesland in The Netherlands, the cities of Drachten, Gorredijk, Heerenveen and Leeuwarden are hosting the IKF European Korfball Championship 2018. Fifteen* (15) countries are competing to be the new European champion and also looking for one of the last ten (10) places that qualify to play the 2019 IKF World Korfball Championship in Durban, South Africa.

IKF EKC 2018: Day 3 (Monday, 15-Oct-2018)

You can follow and watch all games live on www.worldkorfball.org
Full tournament schedule on ikf.org/?p=12202

Host city: Gorredijk

#  Time Pool Mon,15-Oct  Gorredijk  Result  Video/Stats
17 14:45 D Serbia Scotland 18-24 📺 / 📊
18 16:30 D Hungary Wales 12-9 📺 / 📊
19 18:15 B Czech Republic Germany  16-21 📺 / 📊
20 20:00 B Belgium Portugal 35-16 📺 / 📊

Host city:  Drachten

#  Time Pool Sun,14-Oct Drachten  Result  Video/Stats
22 16:30 C Ireland Slovakia 12-16 📺 / 📊
23 18:15 A Catalonia England 18-17 📺 / 📊
24 20:00 A The Netherlands Poland 40-12 📺 / 📊

Day 3 Match reviews


Ranking pools after Day 3


Day 4 (Tuesday, 16-Oct-2018)

Host city: Gorredijk

#  Time Mon,15-Oct  Gorredijk  Result  Video/Stats
25 18:15 Hungary Poland O-0 📺 / 📊
26 20:00 Czech Republic Slovakia O-0 📺 / 📊

Day 5 Schedule (Wednesday, 17-Oct-2018)


A1 The Netherlands C1 nw
B1 Germany D1 nw
A2 Catalonia C2 France
B2 Belgium D2 Scotland
A3 England C3 Ireland
B3 Portugal D3 Wales
A4 nw D4 Serbia


14h45 Leeuwarden 27 Portugal Catalonia
16h30 Leeuwarden 28 England Belgium
18h15 Leeuwarden 29 Germany A4 nw
20h00 Leeuwarden 30 The Netherlands B4 nw
14h45 Gorredijk 31 D1 nw
16h30 Gorredijk 32 Wales France
18h15 Gorredijk 33 Ireland Scotland
20h00 Gorredijk 34 C1 nw Serbia

Referees & jurys daily apointments

Click here to see the appointments.

Follow the tournament live!

Don’t miss this great tournament and follow it daily on www.worldkorfball.org (live streaming games, live statistics, play-by-play, rankings, top scorers,…), and 24/7 on IKF social media profiles and via the hashtags #EKC2018, #thisiskorfball and #korfball:

The Royal Dutch Korfball Federation (KNKV) is the organizer of this IKF EKC 2018. You can find more information and buy tickets for all games through the official website of the event: www.thisiskorfball.com (site in Dutch and English).

Day 3 Image gallery

By Marco Spelten and Gertrude de Vries: korfbalfoto.nl

IKF EKC 2018 Day 2: Results, images and full games

Second day at the IKF EKC 2018. From 13 to 21 October 2018 in the northern province Friesland in The Netherlands, the cities of Drachten, Gorredijk, Heerenveen and Leeuwarden are hosting the IKF European Korfball Championship 2018. Fifteen* (15) countries are competing to be the new European champion and also looking for one of the last ten (10) places that qualify to play the 2019 IKF World Korfball Championship in Durban, South Africa.

IKF EKC 2018: Day 2 (Sunday, 14-Oct-2018)

You can follow and watch all games live on www.worldkorfball.org
Full tournament schedule on ikf.org/?p=12202

Host city: Gorredijk

#  Time Pool Sun,14-Oct  Gorredijk  Result  Video/Stats
9 14:45 A The Netherlands England 31-10 📺 / 📊
10 16:30 A Poland Catalonia 11-13 📺 / 📊
 11 18:15 C France Ireland  16-15 📺 / 📊

Host city:  Drachten

#  Time Pool Sun,14-Oct Drachten  Result  Video/Stats
13 14:45 B Germany Belgium 20-18 📺 / 📊
14 16:30 B Portugal Czech Republic 24-12 📺 / 📊
15 18:15 D Scotland Hungary 13-14 📺 / 📊
16 20:00 D Wales Serbia 15-7 📺 / 📊

Day 2 Match reviews


Referees & jurys daily apointments

Click here to see the appointments.

Follow the tournament live!

Don’t miss this great tournament and follow it daily on www.worldkorfball.org (live streaming games, live statistics, play-by-play, rankings, top scorers,…), and 24/7 on IKF social media profiles and via the hashtags #EKC2018, #thisiskorfball and #korfball:

The Royal Dutch Korfball Federation (KNKV) is the organizer of this IKF EKC 2018. You can find more information and buy tickets for all games through the official website of the event: www.thisiskorfball.com (site in Dutch and English).

Day 2 Image gallery

By Marco Spelten and Gertrude de Vries: korfbalfoto.nl

IKF EKC 2018 Day 1: Results, images and full games

From 13 to 21 October 2018 in the northern province Friesland in The Netherlands, the cities of Drachten, Gorredijk, Heerenveen and Leeuwarden are hosting the IKF European Korfball Championship 2018. Fifteen* (15) countries are competing to be the new European champion and also looking for one of the last ten (10) places that qualify to play the 2019 IKF World Korfball Championship in Durban, South Africa.


IKF EKC 2018: Day 1 (Saturday, 13-Oct-2018)


Host city: Gorredijk

#  Time Pool Sat,13-Oct  Gorredijk  Result  Video/Stats
2 16:15 C Slovakia France 18-17 📺 / 📊
3 18:00 A England Poland 17-9 📺 / 📊
 – 19:15  – Opening Ceremony  –
4 20:00 A The Netherlands Catalonia 31-13 📺 / 📊

Host city:  Drachten

#  Time Pool Sat,13-Oct Drachten  Result  Video/Stats
5 14:30 D Scotland Wales 12-11 📺 / 📊
6 16:15 D Hungary Serbia 25-8 📺 / 📊
7 18:00 B Germany Portugal 17-16 📺 / 📊
 – 19:15  – Opening Ceremony  –  –
8 20:00 B Belgium Czech Republic 18-12 📺 / 📊


Day 1 Match reviews


Referees & jurys daily apointments

Click here to see the appointments.

Follow the tournament live!

Don’t miss this great tournament and follow it daily on www.worldkorfball.org (live streaming games, live statistics, play-by-play, rankings, top scorers,…), and 24/7 on IKF social media profiles and via the hashtags #EKC2018, #thisiskorfball and #korfball:


Day 1 Image gallery

By Marco Spelten and Gertrude de Vries: korfbalfoto.nl

Late withdrawal of Turkey from the IKF EKC

The International Korfball Federation (IKF) has been informed today by the Turkish Developing Sports Branches Federation (TDSBF) that the Turkish national korfball team will not participate in the upcoming IKF European Korfball Championship (IKF EKC) from 13-21 October in Friesland, The Netherlands. This withdrawal is due to internal ambiguity regarding available budgets.

Turkish korfball is affiliated to the TDSBF that represents multiple sports in Turkey.

The IKF will approach the involved partners to discuss the best organisational structure for further development of Turkish korfball in the near future. For the settlement of this late withdrawal the IKF Disciplinary Procedures will be followed.

Turkey was positioned in group C, together with group D the lower part of the match schedule. The updated IKF EKC match schedule can be found on the IKF website Click here for updated match schedule .

Final countdown to the IKF European Korfball Championship 2018

Next Saturday, 13 October, the 11th IKF European Korfball Championship will start in The Netherlands (#EKC2018). From 13 to 21 October 2018 in the northern province Friesland, the cities of Drachten, Gorredijk, Heerenveen and Leeuwarden will host this major international korfball event.

Fifteen* (15) countries will be competing to be the new European champion and also looking for one of the last ten (10) places that qualify to play the 2019 IKF World Korfball Championship in Durban, South Africa. Ten (10) teams already qualified for next year’s IKF WKC are Suriname, Dominican Republic, South Africa, Zimbabwe, Chinese Taipei, China, Australia, Hong Kong China, Japan and New Zealand.

The Royal Dutch Korfball Federation (KNKV) is the organizer of this IKF EKC 2018. You can find more information and buy tickets for all games through the official website of the event: www.thisiskorfball.com (site in Dutch and English).

The fifteen* (15) participating countries are Belgium, Catalonia, Czech Republic, England, France, Germany, Hungary, Ireland, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Scotland, Serbia, Slovakia and Wales.

[*Update: https://korfball.sport/late-withdrawal-of-turkey-from-the-ikf-ekc]



Don’t miss this great tournament and follow it daily on www.worldkorfball.org (live streaming games, live statistics, play-by-play, rankings, top scorers,…), and 24/7 on IKF social media profiles and via the hashtags #EKC2018, #thisiskorfball and #korfball:

Also on www.IKF.org you will find updated daily reviews, results, videos and images during the whole tournament.

1908 SZAC Budapest & Marmara University qualified for the IKF Europa Cup 2019

Congratulations to 1908 SZAC Budapest and the Turkish Marmara University Sport Club for being the best two teams during this qualifying 1st Round for the IKF Europa Cup 2019. The Hungarian 1908 SZAC Budapest ended in 1st position after winning all their games and also the last one against the Turkish team.

These two clubs will play the IKF ECup 2019 Final Round from 10 to 12 January 2019 in Kortrijk, Belgium, with 6 other national European club champions competing.

The Turkish Korfball Federation was the local organizer of this 1st Round, with the support and collaboration of Kocaeli University. All games were played in Kocaeli’s Gazanfer Bilge Sports Hall.



IKF Europa Cup 1st Round Final Ranking:

Position  Team
1. 1908 SZAC Budapest (HUN)
2. Marmara University Sport Club (TUR)
3. Club Korfbal Castellbisbal (CAT)
4. FJEP Bonson (FRA)
5. Cardiff City & Met (WAL)



It was a very well organised tournament in a beautiful, fully equipped venue. The Turkish federation may be proud with what was achieved and will surely be approached for more.

The referees, together with the assistants, performed well under the guidance of Jorge Alves, the IKF assessor. The jury left a legacy by instructing many local members.

The IKF had the opportunity to have informal conversations with the team managers about their worries and their hopes to improve future events and tournaments.



IKF Europa Cup 1st Round final results:

day1_halfresultsday2ekc19r1_finalresults2 day3_results_ekcr1

During three days, five European clubs played to be one of the two best teams of this tournament and automatically be qualified for the next IKF Europa Cup 2019. This IKF ECup Final Round will be played from 10 to 12 January 2019 in Kortrijk, Belgium, with 8 national European club champions competing.

The Turkish Korfball Federation was the local organizer, with the support and collaboration of Kocaeli University. All games were played in the following venue in Kocaeli: Gazanfer Bilge Sports Hall.



You can review all images of this IKF ECUP 2019 1st Round on IKF social media profiles and using the hashtags #ECUP2019 and #korfball:


On Instagram, Facebook and Twitter: @fatihhosma

Day 3 Images: 

IKF Europa Cup 2019 1st Round: Final day results

Sunday, September 23rd is the final day at the IKF Europa Cup 2019 First Round in Kocaeli. After yesterday’s final scores which certified that the qualified teams for the ECUP 2019 Final Round are the Turkish Marmara University Sport Club and the Hungarian 1908 SZAC Budapest, the third day will only decide who will be the winner of this IKF ECUP 1st Round. We look forward to see what spectacle these teams have to offer.

These are today’s final games, all live on www.worldkorfball.org.

DAY 3 GAME SCHEDULE (updated results):






GAME #9: Marmara University SC (TUR) –1908 SZAC KSE (HUN)  10 – 19 (5-12)

Statistics: worldkorfball.org/matches/marmara-university-sport-club-1908-szac-kse-2248

After what we experienced from the previous matches, SZAC was clearly the favourite. Marmara had trouble the day before to beat Bonson. However with the first place of the tournament at stake the home public had high hopes to obtain at least a good result.

The Hungarians on the other hand from the very start played their best korfball, claiming the first price without any doubt.

It will be interesting to find out whether this team is able to challenge the traditional European champion teams next year in January in Belgium.

Finally we must congratulate the Marmara team for the good result giving access to the best 8 club teams of Europe.


GAME #10: CK Castellbisbal (CAT) – Cardiff City & Met KC (WAL) 19 – 4 (11-1)

Statistics: worldkorfball.org/matches/club-korfbal-castellbisbal-cardiff-city-met-korfball-club-2249

The match of honour for the Catalans. An excellent sparring partner for the Welsh.

It was not the most exciting match of the tournament. Only, because there was price giving for female and male top scorers, Castellbisbal aimed for a good result.

Cardiff seized the opportunity to field reserve players. For some of them their first international experience.


In general it was a very well organised tournament in a beautiful, fully equipped venue. The Turkish federation may be proud with what was achieved and will surely be approached for more.

The referees, together with the assistants, performed well under the guidance of Jorge Alves, the assessor. The jury left a legacy by instructing many local members.

The IKF had the opportunity to have informal conversations with the team managers about their worries and their hopes.


During three days, five European clubs played to be one of the two best teams of this tournament and automatically be qualified for the next IKF Europa Cup 2019. This ECUP Final Round will be played from 10 to 12 January 2019 in Kortrijk, Belgium, with 8 national European club champions competing.

The Turkish Korfball Federation was the local organizer, with the support and collaboration of Kocaeli University. All games were played in the following venue in Kocaeli: Gazanfer Bilge Sports Hall.



Country  Team
HUNGARY 1908 SZAC Budapest
WALES Cardiff City & Met
CATALONIA Club Korfbal Castellbisbal
TURKEY Marmara University Sport Club


You can review all images of this IKF ECUP 2019 1st Round on IKF social media profiles and using the hashtags #ECUP2019 and #korfball:

DAY 3 IMAGE GALLERY, by Fatih Osma.

On Instagram, Facebook and Twitter: @fatihhosma

Closing ceremony: