IKF ECup 2014 day 3
Edinburgh City KC FJEP Bonson 5-27 (4-14)
Day 2 brought what spectators need to get thrilled by the sport. An exciting close game between the Russian and the Czech competitors. Beautiful actions of PKC and Boeckenberg that proved that there is still a way to go for challengers outside Belgium and The Netherlnads to contest the supremacy of the oldest korfball nations and a very tactical game of Benfica, a confirmation that there is nothing wrong with the long term vision in Portugal.
As for the game that was to decide about the last two places, it was clear at half time that Bonson had the better skills and more accuracy that their Scottish opponents. Despite the early starting time, spectators enjoyed very much the enthusiasm of both teams.
Same play in the second half. The French team managed to double the score while as the Scots only marked one goal.
After the final whistle both teams gave a big performance in building communities!