IKF Europe milestone achieved with the formation of a new Executive Committee
An installation meeting for a new IKF Europe Executive Committee was held in Taipei prior to the General Assembly of the International Korfball Federation (IKF). The formation of this committee is a significant milestone for European korfball, as there has been no European voice in the IKF council for some time.
Previous attempts to create a European confederation ultimately proved unsustainable. Now, a different approach has been followed with the composition of an IKF European task force that has been working on the preparation of a new ExCO for the past 2 years. Members of Belgium, the Netherlands, Germany, England and Poland formed this task force.
The working group laid the foundation for a mission statement and determined the objectives for IKF Europe and the associated critical success factors. The mission statement is to bring together all European federations with a focus on further development of the sport in all respects and cooperation across national borders through the exchange of knowledge and expertise.
Yves Daelmans (Belgium) was elected president of IKF Europe and said, “We have been able to put together a driven ExCo team for this purpose, with representation from A to D countries and with the necessary geographical spread. As A countries, the Netherlands and Belgium take their responsibility in this new ExCo.
“It soon became apparent that there was a need for a body to connect the European countries and take a position within IKF, because the number of topics that were presented so far is already considerable.” Yves Daelmans will combine this extra role with his position of director of international relations within the Belgian federation.
The IKF Europe ExCo consists of the following people:
President: Yves Daelmans (Belgium). Members: Carles Albà (Catalonia), Clive Dobbin (England), Anne Harrow (Scotland), Henry van Meerten (Netherlands) and Iwona Zak (Poland)