IKF World Ranking 2018 (from 1 July)
The IKF World Ranking 2018 (from 1 July) is based on the revised world ranking criteria 2018, approved by the IKF EXCO in June. Due to the continuously development of korfball around the globe and the establishment of the IKF Competition Calendar 2018-2021, an update of the world ranking criteria was required.
Link to ranking (.pdf): https://korfball.sport/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/IKF-World-Ranking-2018_07_01.pdf
Points for the ranking are mainly earned through participation in official IKF events, with a weighting for each event given according the importance of the event. Ranking points earned are weighted less each year, until the next edition of this event is held and the previous edition of the event drops out of the calculations.
Countries who take part in qualifications for a Final Round of an event, for example the IKF European Korfball Championship (EKC) Round 1, are also awarded points like they participated in the main event. Only after finalising all continental events in a certain year a Continental Championship will be taken into account in the World Ranking.