
The Art of Korfball Coaching by Ben Crum

The IKF is happy to present the product the Erasmus+ 2021 project initiated and coordinated by the KNKV. The book ‘The Art of Korfball Coaching’ is written for korfball coaches on level 3 and 4, who are interested in korfball coaching theory. The extensive framework addresses various topics, such as performance behaviour, korfball theory, and coaching practice. Furthermore, the book includes a lot of videos to bring theory and practice together. The book was produced in collaboration with Marmara University (Turkey), Czech Korfball Association, and Deutscher Turnerbund e.V. (Germany).

The book will be used by the IKF to further develop the IKF Coach Courses Level 3 and Level 4, and it will be made available on the Korfball Academy. The book is free to read and use for anyone who is interested in korfball coaching, and can freely be shared.

The book is available HERE.



IKF Korfball Instruction Videos

The IKF and its Erasmus+ 2020 partners are proud to announce that the handbooks of the IKF Level I and Level II Coach Courses have been finalised. The IKF Korfball Instruction Videos are an important part of these handbooks, and they are now free to watch, share and use for all korfball coaches and players around the world.

The videos highlight key korfball actions and strategies and provide information about the related focus points. The videos have been produced with the help of korfball club PKC, Team NL, commentator Tom Brady and Grinta Media.

The Erasmus+ project was a collaboration between IKF, KNKV, SWISS Korfball, Marmara University, All-Ukrainian Korfball Federation and Polish Korfball Association. The IKF is grateful for the continuous efforts put in by all partners throughout the year. Despite the cancellation of many planned activities and meetings due to the pandemic, all partners fulfilled their task with great energy and dedication. This has resulted in handbooks and video material that can be used by the global korfball community in the years to come.

The IKF Korfball Instruction Videos (click on title to go to YouTube):
*Subtitles available in English, French and Polish. 

Running in shot 

Long Distance Shot 

Short Distance Shot

One Handed Pass 

Two-Handed Pass 



Free Pass 


1-1 Defence

Front Defence

Front Defence in matches

Rebound Defence 

Rebound Defence in matches 

Pressuring the pass 

Attack Pattern 2-2

Attack Pattern 2-2 in matches 

Attack Pattern 2-2 mixes in matches

Attack Pattern 3-1  

Attack Pattern 3-1 in matches 

Attack Pattern 4-0

IKF Erasmus+ Sport Grant 2021

The IKF is proud to announce that its Erasmus+ Sport 2021 application has been selected for funding by the European Commission. The project has a duration of 1 year and will start in January 2021.

The Erasmus+ project helps national korfball federations to strengthen their organisation. During multiple sessions, they will follow a step-by-step method to identify their main goals, challenges and opportunities, as well as ideas to address those. This will lead to a development- and action plan to increase korfball participation in their korfball communities. They will involve the local clubs in this process so that those can assist in the practical implementation of the plans. Furthermore, all partners will organise youth korfball activities, to kick-off the practical implementation of their plans.

The partners of the project are SWISS Korfball, Polish Korfball Association, Federation Korfbal France, All-Ukrainian Korfball Federation and Slovak Korfball Association. There are options to include more European national korfball federations in this project if there is an interest for this. IKF Europe members that are interested to hear more about this project and possibly get involved as well are encouraged to contact us at

Erasmus+ Grant awarded to IKF and partners

The IKF is happy and proud to announce that the European Union has granted the IKF an Erasmus + Sport grant for 2020. Together with 5 partners, the IKF will use this grant to develop and standardise the IKF Level I and II coach courses, as well as developing korfball activities within the partner countries. The partners are SWISS Korfball (Switzerland), Koninklijk Nederlands Korfbal Verbond (Netherlands), All-Ukrainian Korfball Federation (Ukraine), Polski Zwiazek Korfballu (Poland), and Marmara University (Turkey).

The project will focus on the development of a professional coach module to promote grassroots participation in korfball. The International Korfball Federation currently offers four IKF Coach Courses on four levels. With this project, it wants to focus on the content of the IKF Level I and Level II coach courses.

The aim of the project is to develop a module that addresses the needs and wishes of the countries, in which motivated coaches are situated, in such a way that the knowledge available in leading korfball countries is easily transferred and adjusted to the local context. The standardised module will become the legacy of the collaboration, which can be used by IKF instructors to educate new coaches. The module will not only focus on the development of the skills of the coaches and the players but also on the promotion of gender equality and team feeling. It is expected that the partner countries will be able to develop their national coach courses, using the feedback and ideas collected during the project. Furthermore, the grants will allow countries to organise local korfball activities, which can be used to a) promote korfball, and b) to investigate what the needs and wishes for the IKF coach courses are.

During the project, the partners will have three physical group meetings to discuss the design and content of the module, as well as discussing the progress being made in all partner countries.