New age groups and Korfball event planning

Following the IKF Congress discussions in Lisbon end October 2013 and ongoing development in the IKF Competition Committee the IKF introduces a new programme of age related korfball events based on a four year cycle.

The details are in two documents:

  1. IKF Global & Continental Competition outlook 2015-2025 incl New Age Groups
  2. New Age Group IKF Competitions 20141119

IKF welcomes IOC call on mixed gender team events

The International Korfball Federation today happily noticed the International Olympic Committee’s recommendation to include mixed-gender team events in future editions of the Olympic Games. The recommendation was part of the set of recommendations for the Olympic Agenda 2020 ( Documents Olympic Agenda 2020 Recommendations ENG). With its high rank of #11 in the list of 40 recommendations, the IOC prominently displays its desire for mixed gender team sports as part of the Olympic Games.
Jan Fransoo, IKF President: “We are aware of the successes of the mixed relay events in the Winter Olympic Games and Youth Olympic Games recently,and welcome the IOC intention which suggest moving beyond relays to actual mixed-gender teams. Korfball is a modern sport with a tradition of more than 100 years of mixed-gender teams. Apart from being a fast and dynamic teamsport, the sport has been instrumental in promoting gender equality across the globe.
The recommendations are up for discussion early next month at a Special Session of the IOC in Monaco. Subsequent to the adoption of resolution 11, the IKF will be in touch with the IOC on the matter.

IKF Ranking 2014

Following the IKF Continental Championships in 2014 in Americas, Africa, Asia, Oceania and Europe and the IKF U21 European Korfball Championship the IKF has prepared a new revised overall ranking.
The IKF publishes the revised ranking in general once a year.

Ranking end 2014 Ranking end 2013 Country Code Points
1 1 Netherlands NED      188.000
2 2 Belgium BEL      182.125
3 3 Chinese Taipei TPE      174.750
4 5 Portugal POR      159.875
5 4 England ENG      158.500
6 8 Czech Republic CZE      136.500
7 6 Catalonia CAT      133.000
8 9 Australia AUS      130.750
9 7 Germany GER      126.625
10 10 China CHN      117.000
11 11= Russia RUS      112.125
12 11= Hong Kong China HKG      112.000
13 15 Poland POL      111.250
14 16 Hungary HUN      108.250
15 14 South Africa RSA      101.000
16 18 New Zealand NZL        91.000
17 13 India IND        73.250
18 23 Scotland SCO        72.500
19 20 Turkey TUR        70.000
20 21 Ireland IRE        69.500
21 19 Slovakia SVK        68.750
22 22 Serbia SRB        66.000
23 17 Wales WAL        63.250
24 26 Zimbabwe ZIM        52.000
25 35 Malaysia MAS        48.000
26 27 France FRA        46.750
27 25 Sweden SWE        45.000
28 31 Korea KOR        42.250
29 24 Romania ROU        39.000
30 30 Greece GRE        35.250
31 34 Macau China MAC        34.750
32 33 Japan JPN        33.000
33 38 Indonesia INA        22.750
34= 28 Luxembourg LUX        21.250
34= 29 Armenia ARM        21.250
36 43= Brazil BRA        19.000
37 42 Zambia ZAM        17.000
38 Colombia * COL        14.000
39 32 Italy ITA        12.000
40 37 United States USA        10.000
41= 43= Malawi MAL          8.000
41= Mexico * MEX          8.000
42 36 Pakistan PAK          6.000
43 39 Bulgaria BUL          4.000
44= 40 Cyprus CYP          3.000
44= 41 Nepal NEP          3.000
46= 43= Argentina ARG          1.000
46= 43= Aruba ARU          1.000
46= 43= Belarus BLR          1.000
46= 43= Bosnia & Herzegovina BIH          1.000
46= 43= Botswana BOT          1.000
46= 43= Canada CAN          1.000
46= 43= Croatia CRO          1.000
46= 43= Curacao CUR*          1.000
46= 43= Denmark DEN          1.000
46= 43= Dominican Republic DOM          1.000
46= 43= Finland FIN          1.000
46= 43= Georgia GEO          1.000
46= 43= Mongolia MGL          1.000
46= 43= Singapore SIN          1.000
46= 43= Surinam SUR          1.000
* = prov. Member

Philippines is 61st IKF Member

The Philippines Korfball Federation is the 61st member of the International Korfball Federation. The Executive Committee of the IKF today – 13 September 2014 – approved the membership application of the PKF, following positive advice from IKF Asia and subject to final ratification by the IKF General Meeting next year.

Korfball has been played for close to ten years now in the Philippines at the University of Santa Tomas in Manila, one of the oldest modern-era universities in Asia, established in 1611. Recently, the developments have sped up, following courses taught by Hong Kong based IKF Asia instructor Warman Cheng. Currently, Physical Education instructors and professors at more than 20 universities in the Philippines have been trained as korfball coaches, and the participation is growing rapidly.

The PKF hope to send a team to the IKF U23 Asia Oceania Korfball Championship next year in Hsinchu (TPE).

IKF AOKC shows positive steps for Asian korfball

Completed on 23 August in Hong Kong, the 2014 IKF AOKC demonstrated marked progress for Asian korfball.

With ten teams competing, two more than the equivalent tournament four years ago in Zhengzhou, China, the standard of play in Hong Kong reflected strong recent development made in Asian korfball under IKF Asia President Inglish Huang.

Although China dropped one ranking place, to Australia, it is a young team that looks capable of making an impression at the 2015 World Championship. Strong and athletic, with equally dangerous male and female players, epitomised by captain Liang Shuaishuai and Muzi Li, it showed the discipline to impose its will against all other teams, aside from the accomplished Chinese Taipei and steadfast Australia. Following the most common Asian model for korfball development, members of this Chinese team are drawn from three universities: Zhengzhou University, Tianjin University of Science and Technology and the Southwest University in Chongqing municipality.

Most significant mover at this AOKC was Malaysia. Having not played at this level previously, it achieved fifth ranking at this tournament, securing the reserve place for the 2015 World Championship. Malaysia’s korfball, built around national pioneer and president of the Malaysia Korfball Association Chee-Yong Jungle Lim, started in 2007. It has close links to Malaysia’s independent Chinese school system. Most players, including coach Lau Wai Fun, have made the transition from basketball to korfball effectively. They combine determination with shooting accuracy, particularly from ‘clutch’ player Randy Ho Kang Lip, whose blend of physical presence and an excellent eye for the korf made him a constant threat and earned him the honour of the tournament’s fourth highest scorer. After this, Malaysia will certainly improve on its 2013 IKF ranking of 35, having passed four countries that were ranked above it last year, and its future looks bright.

Lower down the rankings Korea matched the place it attained in 2010, though should be a big improver next time around as it looks most able to follow Chinese-Taipei’s successful formula for korfball excellence. Korfball’s establishment in the Seoul National University of Korea, which is one of the most prestigious in the country and has close links with Prof Huang’s own National Taipei University of Education, bodes well. Korea’s international korfballers are current students of the university and graduates who are now working as teachers. Through their efforts, korfball is set for inclusion in the country’s primary school curriculum. Although it competes with basketball and volleyball for the attention of young athletes, the Korea Korfball Federation, which was founded in 2006, has a viable pathway to cultivate a second generation, particularly with the close co-operation of Dr Huang and his university.

Macau’s korfball is also university-centred. In this instance the University of Macau, which has a brand new campus with some excellent facilities that look set to significantly boost the potential of korfball in China’s second Special Administrative Region.

Alone among IKF Asia members, Japan is currently the only country mainly relying on the club system for domestic development and education. In recent years Japan Korfball Association’s key leader Yoshimitsu Tobisa, known throughout korfball as Tobi, has established new clubs in Nagoya and Nagasaki. In November this year Japan’s inaugural national korfball championship will be held, with foremost Asian referee Ivan Lee of Hong Kong conducting a pre-tournament refereeing workshop.

Also welcomed back to an AOKC for the first time since 1994 was the nation with the longest korfball history outside The Netherlands and Belgium: Indonesia, where korfball was first played in the 1920s. This, however, is a new start with a young team, under Adelaida Koraag, who played in the team during its previous era. Although finishing last in Hong Kong, the gap between Indonesia and the next ranked teams was not great, and with recent problems the federation has suffered now apparently resolved, there is cause for optimism.

Apart from the eight teams that played in Hong Kong, alongside IKF Oceania’s Australia and New Zealand, IKF Asia has six other members: India, Mongolia, Nepal, Pakistan, Philippines and Singapore. Looking forward to 2018, when the next IKF AOKC will be staged, it is reasonable to expect that at least three of these will join the tournament. This is likely to include newcomers the Philippines, where solid foundations have been laid at the University of Santo Tomas, Asia’s oldest university, which dates back to 1611. Also probably ready to step up in four years will be Singapore, where korfball was dormant for several years until business consultant Derek Ang stumbled across the sport on Google, and was so intrigued that he decided to properly establish korfball in his country. Although it is still early days, he has made good progress with promotion into schools, including sending a number of coaches to a recent clinic in Malaysia. It seems likely that, with continued support from its neighbours, Singapore’s korfball community will grow and progress sufficient to send a team to the 2018 IKF AOKC. By that time korfballers from Vietnam and Sri Lanka might also be ready to join the party.

All of which strengthens the case for korfball’s recognition by the Olympic Council of Asia, which Prof Huang has been working on for a number of years. This recognition would enable entry by the sport into the Asian Games, and various other cyclical multi-sport events staged throughout the continent. A decision on this is expected before the end of 2014, and would mark another significant step for international korfball.

IKF AOKC 2014 final order of teams (with 2010 positions in brackets): 1 (1) Chinese Taipei, 2 (3) Australia, 3 (2) China, 4 (4) Hong Kong, 5 (-) Malaysia, 6 (6) New Zealand, 7 (7) Korea, 8 (-) Macau, 9 (-) Japan, 10 (-) Indonesia.

In 2010 India finished fifth and Pakistan finished eighth, neither participated in 2014, while Malaysia, Macau, Japan and Indonesia participated in 2014, though not in 2010.

IKF Asia to organize first Asian U19 and U17 Championship

Representatives from the Asian countries met today in Hong Kong to discuss the rapid development of Korfbal on the continent. Asia will organize its first korfball4 championship in Indonesia later this year for U19 and U17, while the Asia-Oceania U23 Championship will be hosted in Taiwan next year.

IKF Asia President Inglish Ying-Che Huang presided over the meeting with 8 out of the current 15 countries on the continent present, and representatives from Oceania attending as invitees.

In addition to the current emphasis on national team development, the countries in Asia committed to devoting more attention in developing the size of the player base. IKF Asia will also take more initiative in the development of the number and level of referees.


The growth of the number of countries increasingly put pressure on the format of the major competitions, as up to 16 teams could be expected at the next edition of the Asia-Oceania Korfball Championship in 2018, and the competition format and length of the tournament can be affected beyond the financial capabilities of the countries. It was agreed that the IKF Asia competitions committee will propose a set of competition formats with various numbers of participating teams.

With regard to the event calendar, it was announced that IKF Asia is in negotiation with the Indonesia Korfball Association PKSI regarding the hosting of the the 1st IKF U19 & U17 Asia Korfball Championship in Bandung (Indonesia) in December 2014. This will be a world’s first; IKF Europe has decided to also start organizing official championships in this age category, but has not yet designated any year or host. The event in Indonesia is envisioned to have both a 1-zone championship and a korfball4 championship for each of the age categories, so four titles will be awarded.

Further, the meeting confirmed Hsinchu (TPE) as the host for the IKF Asian-Oceanian U23 Korfball Championship from 25 July – 2 August 2015, pending a final decision by the IKF Asia Exco. The meeting also called for bids for upcoming championships in Asia, including biannual U17 and U19 championships, biannual university championships, and the quadrennial U21 and senior championships.

President Huang was finally happy tot announce that the Philippines Korfball Federation has applied for IKF membership and will be accepted in IKF Asia

Indonesia moves towards single korfball federation

The IKF Executive Committee has rendered a decision in the dispute between two rival korfball federations in Indonesia, both using the banner Persatuan Korfbal Seluruh Indonesia. The IKF has recognized the PKSI headed by Mr Budiono Kartohadiprodjo, and lead operationally by Mrs Adelaida Koraag.

Unfortunately the two factions were unable to resolve the situation by themselves, and both had requested last year the IKF to intervene and make a decision, where both factions committed to abiding by the IKF decision and seeking reconciliation following this. The IKF has written to both factions on the decision, requesting the now official PKSI to lead the reconciliation process, while the now-defunct PKSI led by Lisa Roedhianita has been requested to disband itself. The National Sports Commission in Indonesia has offered to assist in the reconciliation process.

IKF admits newly established Singapore Korfball Federation

Singapore korfball is bright and alive. Singapore national Derek Ang has revived the presence of korfball following a number of years of reduced activity. A Singapore team took part in June in an IKF-led coaching course in Malaysia. The Malaysia Korfball Association is also happy to have a revived Singapore korfball community at such close distance.

Following the re-establishment of korfball, the formal structure of the organization has been updated and the IKF Executive Committee have accepted the now-named Singapore Korfball Federation as Associate Member. Delegates from Singapore are expected to attend the Asia-Oceania Korfball Championship and the General Meeting of IKF Asia later this month in Hong Kong.


Sri Lanka korfball introduction

A new korfball country starts to plan its arrival in the international korfball family. During period from 29 May – 9 June 2014 IKF instructors Mr Erik Buizer (The Netherlands) and Mr Pardeep Dahiya (India) visited Sri Lanka to run a joint project sponsored by IKF Development and Education Committee and Swan Fund. The program was designed under guidance from former player and physiotherapist of the U23 Dutch team, Mrs José van Nunspeet. She cooperates with children’s Rehabilitation Centre Home of Hope in the city of Alluthwatte.

In the first weekend an “IKF Level I – Introduction to korfball Course” took place with a group of 30 participants including 11 physical education teachers representing 9 different schools. Participants in the course will start the practice of korfball in Kandy (25 km. from Home of Hope) and some of schools in Digana (5 km. from Home of Hope). In Sri Lanka most sport activities are held in the schools. The rest of the group were young and enthusiastic students between 18-25 years. They will try to become the first team playing in international korfball events for Sri Lanka. We hope they can participate in the upcoming Asian universitarian tournaments.

During the rest of the week the sports facilities of Home of Hope were used to teach korfball to different groups. Every day the 85 children in the school could play. At the same time Colombo International School from Kandy participated in some introduction as well.

After introductions both institutions played a game with symbolic meaning, as it was the first ever korfball match in Sri Lanka.

Next steps for korfball in Sri Lanka are in the hands of Mrs José van Nunspeet and local Dr. Asela Ratnayake, a orthopaedic and sports doctor who followed the course and became very enthusiastic with the possibilities of korfball in his country. Hopefully the network of teachers attending the course will start regular practice during the year and finally the first korfball school tournament can be organised. This would be the perfect set up for the start of a new korfball organization in Asia.

Korfball promotion in Sri Lanka

Our experienced IKF teacher, Mr Erik Buizer (NED), did make an IKF Development and Education  trip to Sri Lanka recently. Erik was supported by his daughter Iris. In Sri Lanka Mrs Jose van Nunspeet did take the initiative to start korfball.

To give you an impression Erik Buizer made a video presentation and we encourage you to watch this video: Sri Lanka video June 2014

This shows commitment, dedication and fun by bringing korfball to another culture again.