
Join the IKF Learning Academy Committee: Shape the Future of Korfball Education!

The IKF is embarking on an exciting new venture with the launch of the Learning Academy. With a mission to spread korfball globally and elevate the sport’s standards, the IKF aims to increase athlete participation and enhance korfball knowledge worldwide. To achieve this, the IKF recognises the crucial role of education programs in supporting the development of its members.

In recent years, the IKF has conducted numerous in-person coach and referee courses across all continents, contributing to the growth of korfball worldwide. However, to further expand and improve these educational offerings, the IKF is committed to enhancing accessibility for National Organisations. The establishment of an online platform is a key solution to facilitate easier access to a variety of courses.

Collaboration lies at the heart of korfball, and the IKF is seeking dedicated volunteers to help establish the Learning Academy. Committee members will work closely with other IKF committees, including Education, Beach, Referees, Playing Rules, Governance, and Urban, among others, to ensure a comprehensive and unified approach to korfball development.

We are seeking volunteers with diverse knowledge and competencies, particularly in areas such as online education, gamification, digital content production, and managing online education platforms.

However, if you have innovative ideas or a passion for korfball education, we encourage you to join our team.

You can check all the details about this open call HERE.

To express your interest, please fill in this FORM with your details.

For further information, you can reach out to Anita Derks (, member of the IKF Executive Committee and the owner of this portfolio.

Don’t miss this opportunity to be part of this new chapter in korfball education. Join the IKF Learning Academy Committee and help shape the future of the sport’s education!

Register now for next June’s IKF Coach & Referee Courses in Hong Kong

The International Korfball Federation and Hong Kong China Korfball Association are organising several official korfball courses for next June at the Technological and Higher Education Institute of Hong Kong (THEi) – Hong Kong, China.

IKF Coach Courses – Level II (23-25 June) & Level III (26-29 June)
Instructor: Jan Sjouke van den Bos

IKF Referee Courses – Level I (23-25 June) & Level II (26-29 June)
Instructor: Jorge Alves

Venue: Technological and Higher Education Institute of Hong Kong (THEi) Hong Kong, China.

Organisation: IKF & HKCKA

  • The number of attendees for every course is limited.
  • All interested should contact the HKCKA and IKF|DEC to receive more information and the admission conditions.
  • Email: with CC to

Registration deadline: 31 March 2024


Jan Sjouke van de Bos is a top master coach at the IKF and the KNKV after a long career as a player and former head coach of several Dutch clubs and the Dutch national team, with several gold medals at the World Championships, Europeans and World Games. His mission during the last years has been to raise the international level around the world, and share his great and remarkable expertise and coaching knowledge through clinics, seminars and courses to help other countries and clubs developing korfball in their regions.

Jorge Alves is the Chair of IKF Development & Education Committee and the IKF Playing Rules Committee. Mr. Alves is a seasoned korfball developer, coach, referee, and coaching and refereeing instructor. He has had a very long and extensive career as an international referee, including having refereed at 5 World Championships, 3 World Games and 18 finals of major events. Apart from this, he has also been coach of multiple teams in the Portuguese Korfball League, and of the national team of Brazil. As an educator, he has taught both referee and coach courses in Portugal and internationally.

Singapore, the Philippines, and India together for korfball development

An important ‘Memorandum Of Understanding’ (MOU) was signed among the Singapore Korfball Federation, Philippines Korfball Federation and Tuljaram Chaturchand College in Baramati, India, that marks the beginning of a promising partnership that will drive innovation and progress in the field of korfball in those countries and regions.

The signature of this agreement was made during the successful IKF Level 1 & 2 Referee Courses and the IKF Level 3 Coaches Course that took place from 19 to 22 September 2023 at the Lovely Professional University – LPU Jalandhar in Punjab, India, under the guidance of Mr. Jorge Alves, Chairman of the IKF Development & Education and Playing Rules Committees, and Dutch master coach and IKF instructor Mr. Jan Sjouke van den Bos.


“Formalizing our shared vision and goals through the signing of this MOU. Here’s to a successful journey ahead!” Prof. Dr. Gautam Jadhav said. “Special thanks to Mr. Jorge Alves, Mr. Jan Sjouke and Mr. Dev Balhara for their valuable guidance”.





IKF Korfball Instruction Videos

The IKF and its Erasmus+ 2020 partners are proud to announce that the handbooks of the IKF Level I and Level II Coach Courses have been finalised. The IKF Korfball Instruction Videos are an important part of these handbooks, and they are now free to watch, share and use for all korfball coaches and players around the world.

The videos highlight key korfball actions and strategies and provide information about the related focus points. The videos have been produced with the help of korfball club PKC, Team NL, commentator Tom Brady and Grinta Media.

The Erasmus+ project was a collaboration between IKF, KNKV, SWISS Korfball, Marmara University, All-Ukrainian Korfball Federation and Polish Korfball Association. The IKF is grateful for the continuous efforts put in by all partners throughout the year. Despite the cancellation of many planned activities and meetings due to the pandemic, all partners fulfilled their task with great energy and dedication. This has resulted in handbooks and video material that can be used by the global korfball community in the years to come.

The IKF Korfball Instruction Videos (click on title to go to YouTube):
*Subtitles available in English, French and Polish. 

Running in shot 

Long Distance Shot 

Short Distance Shot

One Handed Pass 

Two-Handed Pass 



Free Pass 


1-1 Defence

Front Defence

Front Defence in matches

Rebound Defence 

Rebound Defence in matches 

Pressuring the pass 

Attack Pattern 2-2

Attack Pattern 2-2 in matches 

Attack Pattern 2-2 mixes in matches

Attack Pattern 3-1  

Attack Pattern 3-1 in matches 

Attack Pattern 4-0

Jorge Alves (POR) joins the IKF Executive Committee

The Council of the International Korfball Federation has appointed Mr Jorge Alves as a Member of the IKF Executive Committee and Chair of the IKF Development and Education Committee. Mr Alves fills the vacancy left earlier this year following the resignation of Mr Kevin Allen (ENG). Mr Alves has been appointed by the Council until the next General Meeting of the IKF in November 2021, when the position is up for election.

Jorge Alves is a seasoned korfball developer, coach, referee, and coaching and refereeing instructor. He has had a very long and extensive career as an international referee, including having refereed at 5 World Championships, 3 World Games and 18 finals of major events. Apart from this, he has also been coach of multiple teams in the Portuguese Korfball League, and of the national team of Brazil. As an educator, he has taught both referee and coach courses in Portugal and internationally. He is very familiar with both grassroots and elite development of korfball.

Jorge Alves: My passion for Korfball started on the day I first came across our sport, more than 30 years ago, and it has been increasing until today. The fundaments and values of korfball were and are the basis of my dedication and commitment, trying over the years to formally and informally contribute so that this sport develops and is recognized worldwide. I take this new challenge with the conviction I will count on the support and collaboration of korfball friends who share this passion and that we can all work together to spread our amazing sport and its values around the globe.

Jan Fransoo, IKF President: With Jorge Alves, the IKF is fortunate to onboard a seasonal korfball development professional that will give a further impetus to the growth of our sport. In our current strategic cycle, the focus is on strengthening our membership base and national federations, and Jorge will be invaluable given his extensive experience and vast network. Moreover, in the education field, Covid-19 has pulled us into the digital education world, and Jorge will play a leading role to further develop this beyond the period of the pandemic.

Mario Almeida, FPC President: Jorge Alves, over dozens of years dedicated to korfball, has performed functions and activities, both nationally and internationally, including in IKF bodies, namely training and development in the four corners of the globe, which has given him a rich experience, including from realities and cultures, very important for the direction of the development.

With the appointment of Alves, the IKF Executive Committee is again fully gender-balanced with three males and three females on board.

IKF Erasmus+ Sport Grant 2021

The IKF is proud to announce that its Erasmus+ Sport 2021 application has been selected for funding by the European Commission. The project has a duration of 1 year and will start in January 2021.

The Erasmus+ project helps national korfball federations to strengthen their organisation. During multiple sessions, they will follow a step-by-step method to identify their main goals, challenges and opportunities, as well as ideas to address those. This will lead to a development- and action plan to increase korfball participation in their korfball communities. They will involve the local clubs in this process so that those can assist in the practical implementation of the plans. Furthermore, all partners will organise youth korfball activities, to kick-off the practical implementation of their plans.

The partners of the project are SWISS Korfball, Polish Korfball Association, Federation Korfbal France, All-Ukrainian Korfball Federation and Slovak Korfball Association. There are options to include more European national korfball federations in this project if there is an interest for this. IKF Europe members that are interested to hear more about this project and possibly get involved as well are encouraged to contact us at

Vacancy: Chair IKF Development and Education Committee

The International Korfball Federation seeks applications for the position of


Chair of the IKF Development and Education Committee and Member of the IKF Executive Committee

(volunteer position; up to 10 hours per week)


The International Korfball Federation’s development mission is to enable anyone in the world to play our mixed-gender team sport whenever and wherever they want. As a mixed-gender sport, we believe in the values of equality and opportunity, while the competitive game is seen as a target to aim for the best possible performance and international participation.

The development strategy for the next quadrennial aims at working with our 40 strongest national organisations among the current 70 members, in order to increase participation numbers, level of competition, and organisational strength. In addition, the remaining 30 young countries need basic developmental support. For this, the IKF, together with key partners such as the national korfball associations of the Netherlands, Belgium, and Chinese Taipei, and with financial assistance from the International Olympic Committee, runs a development and education program. This program is coordinated by the IKF Development and Education Committee.


The Chair of the IKF Development and Education Committee, within the overall IKF Strategy, operationalises the development strategy and executes the development. Execution includes the administrative running of the program, including matters such as organising the call for project proposals, allocation and monitoring of projects, measuring and reporting on key performance indicators. Furthermore, the Chair leads the DEC team with members from across all continents. Using virtual meetings, the Chair inspires and leads the committee members, en helps them being successful in their continent. Within the DEC, a specific Coaching education team leads the development and innovation of korfball coaching courses worldwide.

Further, the DEC Chair is a Member of the IKF Executive Committee and hence shares responsibility for the overall decision making and management of the IKF.

Duties include:

  • Organising, planning, and monitoring of the IKF Development Program
  • Strategic planning of and reporting on the IKF Development Program
  • Aligning with key stakeholders, such as donors and beneficiaries of the program, and member organisations of the IKF
  • Seeking of funds and applying for grants to enlarge the size and impact of the IKF Development Program
  • Developing the IKF education program, including organising the course calendar, developing online education, and developing a global network of qualified instructors


  • Passion for mixed-gender team sports
  • Global orientation
  • Experience with sports development, ideally in korfball or a similar team sport
  • Excellent communication skills
  • Well-organized and meticulous
  • Advanced level of English, and ideally one or two additional global languages


  • Be part of the future development of korfball, and have a major influence on its course of development
  • Be part of all key decisions of the International Korfball Federation
  • Be able to develop a wonderful network of passionate sports developers across the globe
  • Expenses covered in accordance with the IKF reimbursement policies
  • Invitations to all IKF events


The membership of the IKF Executive Committee is an elected position by the General Meeting of the IKF. Elections will be held in November 2021. Prior to this, the selected candidate will be co-opted as a full member of the IKF Executive Committee. Given the current background of the members in the IKF Executive Committee and IKF Council, candidates from the A-countries (Netherlands, Belgium, and Chinese Taipei) are not eligible for this position.

Following the IKF Statutes, a candidate needs to be (or become) a member of a national organisation that is a full member of the IKF. Associate Members may not propose candidates for the Membership of the IKF Executive Committee.

The position is a voluntary position and does not entail any salary or indemnification. Out-of-pocket expenses are covered insofar as needed to conduct the work.


If you would like more information about this position, please contact the CEO of the IKF, Mr Tilbert La Haye (, or the Secretary General of the IKF Ms Joana Faria ( ).


Applications should include a detailed resume and a motivation letter, and should be sent to the IKF Office . Review of applications will start on September 15, 2020, and continue until the position has been filled.

Erasmus+ Grant awarded to IKF and partners

The IKF is happy and proud to announce that the European Union has granted the IKF an Erasmus + Sport grant for 2020. Together with 5 partners, the IKF will use this grant to develop and standardise the IKF Level I and II coach courses, as well as developing korfball activities within the partner countries. The partners are SWISS Korfball (Switzerland), Koninklijk Nederlands Korfbal Verbond (Netherlands), All-Ukrainian Korfball Federation (Ukraine), Polski Zwiazek Korfballu (Poland), and Marmara University (Turkey).

The project will focus on the development of a professional coach module to promote grassroots participation in korfball. The International Korfball Federation currently offers four IKF Coach Courses on four levels. With this project, it wants to focus on the content of the IKF Level I and Level II coach courses.

The aim of the project is to develop a module that addresses the needs and wishes of the countries, in which motivated coaches are situated, in such a way that the knowledge available in leading korfball countries is easily transferred and adjusted to the local context. The standardised module will become the legacy of the collaboration, which can be used by IKF instructors to educate new coaches. The module will not only focus on the development of the skills of the coaches and the players but also on the promotion of gender equality and team feeling. It is expected that the partner countries will be able to develop their national coach courses, using the feedback and ideas collected during the project. Furthermore, the grants will allow countries to organise local korfball activities, which can be used to a) promote korfball, and b) to investigate what the needs and wishes for the IKF coach courses are.

During the project, the partners will have three physical group meetings to discuss the design and content of the module, as well as discussing the progress being made in all partner countries.


Additional places open for Youth Coach Camp 2016

Fifteen youth korfball coaches from ten countries have gained places on the 2016 IKF Level III Youth Coach Camp.

Five places remain open, with a second round for applicants closing on 25 July.

Peter Busik (Slovakia)
Luis Rosa CCatalonia)
Xavi Vidal (Catalonia)
Johan Oosterling (The Netherlands)
Tamara Siemieniuk (Poland)
Kevin Robson (Belgium)
Jakub Massa (Czech Republic)

William N. Teunga (Cameroun)
Edouard Ngayap (Cameroun)

Laxman Gautam (Nepal)

Vinicius Gama (Brazil)
Guillem Castanyer (Rep. Dominicana)
Leandro Tavares (Brazil)
Edwin Cespedes (Rep. Dominicana)
Laudys Jerusi Zapata (Rep. Dominicana)

From Monday 22 to Friday 27 August 2016, in Dordrecht, The Netherlands, the coaches from Europe, Asia, Africa and the Americas will come together to improve their skills under a group of elite Dutch korfball coaches. Developing korfball countries Brazil, Nepal, Dominican Republic and Cameroon will all be represented on the camp.

Sponsored by KNKV, the camp will follow a similar format to its successful first edition in 2015. Entrance fee of €100 includes six nights accommodation and meals.

Participants require the endorsement of their national korfball organisation, testifying their coaching experience, and are expected to be fluent in English. Course applicants from outside Europe are entitled to apply for continental scholarships to the value of €400 towards travel costs, plus €50 towards the course entrance fee.

Candidates for the remaining places are invited to apply, via their national korfball organisation, with applications to

New appointment supports French-speaking international development

With the recent re-invigoration of French korfball, and korfball development gaining momentum in numerous African Francophone countries, the IKF’s Development and Education Committee (DEC) has added Dirk Sercu to its membership, with his appointment to the new role as development officer for French-speaking countries.

Bringing a long and distinguished korfball career as a player and coach in Belgium and the Netherlands to his new role, as well as coaching England’s national senior team from 2003 to 2007, Dirk was also recently appointed as coach of Belgian champion club Boeckenberg.

His first official duty as a member of the DEC is a visit to Ivory Coast from 1 to 10 July, where Dirk and DEC colleague Theo van der Linde will participate in a series of clinics and other activities administered by Federation Ivoirienne de Korfball.

This is the second recent appointment aimed at sustaining korfball development in new IKF member countries. In May the IKF DEC appointed Peter Busik of Slovakia as project manager for Eastern Europe. An international player and referee, Peter’s new role is to support and consolidate korfball development activities in various countries including Romania, Slovakia, Serbia, Greece and Armenia.