The World Games 2022: Match schedule published (updated)

The match schedule for the upcoming The World Games 2022 has been published. This World Games will be held from 13-17 July in Birmingham, Alabama (United States). More information about the event can be found at the event information page.

The korfball event will kick-off with a clash in Pool B between Belgium and Germany, the numbers two and three of the last European Korfball Championship in 2021. Via an intense five days of competition, the final of the event is planned for Sunday 17 July. Right after the medal ceremony of the korfball event the overall closing ceremony of The World Games will take place at the impressive Protective Stadium.

*UPDATE: On July 4, all morning times were updated. Here you have the final match schedule with the correct times.


The pool draw of the event was webcasted live last February 26th. The draw split the eight teams participating in the event into two pools of four teams each, as can be seen in the overall tournament schedule as presented above.



IKF Open Call – IKF Coordinating Officer

The International Korfball Federation is looking for Coordinating Officers for IKF Events. The IKF aims to spread korfball around the globe and help its 69 member countries to develop korfball on both an elite- and grassroots level. The IKF Events play a big part in this aim, and the IKF is offering an exciting position in the organisation of these events for korfball enthusiasts.

Information about the position can be found here.

The application form can be found here.

The deadline to apply is 31 May 2022.

The IKF encourages anyone interested and capable to apply. If you know someone in your network that would fit the description, please don’t hesitate to refer the position to them. For more details of the IKF organisational structure, please see the IKF Organisation Chart.


IKF Season’s Greetings 2022

The IKF EXCO wishes everybody a happy holiday season and a prosperous new year.







Updates IKF Events 2022

The developments of the Covid-19 pandemic continue to influence the IKF Competition Calendar. All updates about the IKF events of 2022 can be found on this page, which will be updated regularly.

IKF Europa Cup Final Round – Cancelled

UPDATE 16/03/2022 – The IKF EXCO has decided to cancel the IKF Europa Cup 2022. In January, the IKF EXCO decided to look for alternative dates for the IKF Europa Cup, due to the corona developments at that time. An alternative date was found, but it was not possible to organise the event on those dates at the original location. Despite the best efforts of the participants and the IKF to find an alternative host, we have not been able to secure enough teams for a viable event.

IKF Europa Shield 2022 (28-30 January, Czech Republic) – Cancelled

UPDATE 04/01/2022 – The IKF, in close collaboration with the Local Organising Committee (LOC) and the participants of the IKF Europa Shield, has taken the painful decision to cancel the event. The current Covid-19 situation in Europe with the increasing number of positive cases and the uncertainty about the effects of the new omicron variant on possible extra (travel) restrictions has been the key of this decision.

The IKF would like to thank the Czech Korfball Association for their willingness to take on the organisation in these uncertain times, and for their constant flexibility to adjust to changing circumstances.


IKF Europa Cup First Round (7-9 January, Poland) – Cancelled

UPDATE 03/12/2021 – The IKF, in close collaboration with the Local Organising Committee (LOC) and the participants of the IKF Europa Cup First Round, has taken the painful decision to cancel the event. The current Covid-19 situation in Europe with the increasing number of positive cases and the uncertainty about the effects of the new omicron variant on possible extra (travel) restrictions has been the key of this decision. The IKF will now appoint the final participant of the IKF Europa Cup Final Round based on the IKF Europa Cup results over the last 5 years.

The IKF would like to thank the Polish Korfball Federation and specially the LOC for all their efforts to prepare the hosting of this event.

IKF distinguishes long serving volunteers with Badge of Honour

The IKF has granted the IKF Badge of Honour to four retiring individuals. Mr Leo Heere served for many years a chair of the IKF Medical Committee and IKF Therapeutic Exemptions Committee. Mr Walter Eijsink and Mr Gerrit van der Beek had an extensive service as International Referee, and subsequently were a member of the IKF Referees committee and served as Referee educator and assessor. Finally, Mr Jan Sjardijn was recognized for his service as member of the IKf Playing Rules Committee, the IKF Competitions Committee, and for serving at many events as jury member, jury chair, and coordinating officer.

The distinctions were presented at the IKF General Meeting in Antwerp, Belgium. Mr. Leo Heere was not able to attend the General Meeting and therefore is also missing in the picture.

Photos by Gertrude the Vries

IKF World Korfball Awards 2021 – call for nominations

Following a suggestion made by Korfball Sri Lanka in 2019, the IKF EXCO decided to start highlighting excellence in korfball by awarding IKF World Korfball Awards. The IKF would like to ask all interested parties (organisations and individuals)  to nominate candidates for the 2021 edition of these awards, which will be awarded during the IKF General Meeting 2021. Only IKF National Federations can receive an award.

Organisational achievements, projects, and events nominated for the IKF World Korfball Awards 2021 should have taken place within the period of August 2019 and August 2021.

The IKF encourages all to send in nominations for the following categories:

  1. Best Grassroots Development

The World Korfball Award for Best Grassroots Development focuses on a project or a series of projects that has resulted in a great development of grassroots korfball participation, which can be seen by the increase of korfball activities and participation in the targeted country or region.

C, D and E countries are especially encouraged to nominate, but this category is open for A and B countries too.

  1. Excellence in Governance

The Word Korfball Award for Excellence in Governance focuses on clear leadership structure, good governance, good communication and cooperation with the IKF, and a well-hosted event. The award may also be granted to a National Federation that has had a major achievement.

  1. Best Event

The World Korfball Award for Best Event is for events that stood out, taking into account the quality of the venues, accommodations, overall experience for the teams and officials, marketing/communication, experience as a spectator/fan, side activities, innovation, and legacy.

  1. Innovation

The World Korfball Award for Innovation is for any projects, initiative,s or action that is not covered by the other categories and is innovative to the sport. The nominated subject should be quite unique and unusual and can cover any area relevant to the sport.

The IKF asks to submit nominations for the IKF World Korfball Awards to the IKF Office before 16 September, using this nomination form.

IKF Auditing Committee open call

The IKF is looking to fill 3 vacant seats in the IKF Auditing Committee. The IKF is looking for 1 member and 2 deputy members. We invite interested candidates for these vacancies to apply before 16 September 2021.

About the IKF

The International Korfball Federation has been the governing body for korfball in the world since 1933. Korfball is played on all five continents and there are about 70 IKF member countries.  The IKF is recognised by the International Olympic Committee and is a member of ARISF, IWGA and GAISF. Our anti-doping rules comply with the World Anti-Doping Code.

The IKF is led by a nine-member Council that is elected by the General Meeting of National Associations. Many volunteers work on committees and events to realise elite competitions, courses and development activities, and promote healthy and fair sport.

About the IKF Auditing Committee

It is the duty of the Auditing Committee to examine the financial administration of the IKF, its balance sheet and the profit and loss statement, as well as any other matters in the IKF financial administration. The Council is obliged to give the Auditing Committee any information it requires and to permit inspection of any documents. If the Auditing Committee agrees on the balance sheet and the profit and loss account, it shall propose to the General Meeting that these documents are accepted.


  • Knowledge of the English language (minimum upper intermediate level) is a must.
  • Knowledge of accounting and an analytical understanding of budgets and balance sheets is a must.
  • Knowledge of Dutch legislation is a plus.


If you are interested, or if you would like to know more, please send an email with your name and contact details to


Please send your application or expression of interest before 16 September 2021 to the IKF Office:

Any candidate must have the support of the relevant national korfball federation.

Note: This is a call for volunteers. We do not solicit commercial applications for service provisions. Please refrain from developing any commercial proposal based on this text.


IKF Playing Rules Experiments

The Rules of Korfball are defined by the International Korfball Federation and must be followed by all IKF members. However, countries may be interested in making experiments with the rules of the game, either by experimenting with changes to existing rules or by experimenting with new rules. The IKF encourages IKF members to do so in light of game development.

Following the IKF Playing Rules Experiments Procedure, the IKF informs the IKF members about this possibility every year, after which the National Federations can request an experiment at least 6 weeks before the start of the proposed experiment.

For more information, see Playing Rules Experiments Procedure 2021.


Image: Marco Spelten

Updates IKF Events 2021

The developments of the corona pandemic continue to influence the IKF Competition Calendar. All updates about the IKF events of 2021 can be found on this page, which will be updated regularly.

IKF U21 Korfball World Cup (24-26 September, Czech Republic)

The IKF has decided, in coordination with the participants, to relocate the IKF U21 Korfball World Cup 2022. The strict corona regulations and the related high organisational costs in France make it impossible for this event to continue in France as planned. The participants indicated that they would very much appreciate the IKF U21 KWC 2021 to take place, and the Czech Korfball Association has offered to organise the event from 24 – 26 September in Zruč nad Sázavou. The IKF is grateful for this offer and has full confidence that the Czech Korfball Association is capable of organising a great event in the short time left. The IKF is preparing the final versions of the IKF COVID-19 protocol and IKF COVID-19 Event Rules, of which a provisional edition has been discussed with the participants.

The IKF would like to thank Fédération Korfbal France for all their efforts to host this event.

IKF World Beach Korfball Championship 2021 (10-11 September, Morocco)

The current situation in Morocco makes it impossible to allow progress with tournament preparations, and time effectively ran out before a firm decision needed to be made. Therefore, the LOC and IKF have taken the joint decision to postpone the event until 2022. The main issue in Morocco at this time is that the country is still in a state of emergency, and it is not known when this will be released and borders will (fully) open up. It is also unclear if Morocco will allow flights from all continents and to what extent such tickets would be affordable for all subscribed teams. Taken together, this brings too much risk for both the participants and the Local Organisers and therefore the difficult decision to postpone the WBKC has been made. More information about the rescheduling of this event for next year will follow later this year.

IKF European Korfball Championship B-Division (4-9 October, Poland) &

IKF European Korfball Championship A-Division (25-30 October, Belgium)

The outlook for the two European Korfball Championships is currently positive. The situation in Poland and Belgium is getting better and better, and with more and more people vaccinated in Europe, the IKF and the two Local Organisers are confident that the events can take place as planned. The IKF is in contact with the IKF Medical Committee and Local Organisers of the EKCs to prepare a Covid-19 protocol. New update meeting with the participants of both events are planned in August, to make a final decision about the continuation of the event.

The IKF would like to express its gratitude to the different host countries for their collaboration and efforts in the preparation of the cancelled or postponed events.

IKF Office changed headquarters

The IKF Office changed its headquarters earlier this month. Previously located in Zeist, the IKF Office now moved to the centre of the Netherlands, to the beautiful city of Utrecht.



The IKF headquarters is based at ‘De Weerelt van Sport’ (the World of Sport). An unique Office accommodation within the Netherlands where multiple sport federations and other type of sport organisations are housed. A perfect location for sport professionals to meet.



Jan Fransoo: “We are very happy with our new and inspiring Office location. ‘The World of Sport’ truly exudes sport! With this move there comes an end to a long period of being located at the Royal Dutch Korfball Association (KNKV) Office space. I sincerely would like to thank the KNKV for the hospitality over many years. I am fully confident that the arrangement made between our staff and the KNKV to meet on a biweekly basis will ensure the continuing of the smooth day-to-day working relationship.’


The new address is:

International Korfball Federation (IKF)

Orteliuslaan 1041

3528 BE Utrecht, the Netherlands

Phone number: +31 30 307 7899


