Following detailed discussions, the International Korfball Federation (IKF) and the Mikasa Corporation have agreed a new four-year sponsorship agreement for the provision of international match balls.
Under the agreement, for four years from 1 January 2014 all major IKF events will be played with the Mikasa K5-IKF as the international standard match ball. This agreement replaces the previous four-year agreement between the two, which expired on 31 December 2013.
IKF Senior Vice-President Frans Walvis said both parties are happy to continue their long-standing association. “Both Mikasa and IKF strive to achieve the maximum quality in what we do. Korfball benefits from the high quality product that Mikasa delivers. For the past four years, the Mikasa K5-IKF, which was a bold step forward from previous ball designs, has helped project korfball as a unique, dynamic and innovative sport. Our players appreciate and enjoy the handling characteristics and aesthetics of the ball, which quickly became an integral part of our sport’s image. “We are delighted that Mikasa has agreed to continue the relationship, and we look forward to working together to further enhance korfball as a sporting and spectator experience,” he said.
“Mikasa Corporation is exceedingly honoured in being able to renew the contract and its partnership with IKF, supporting their international korfball events and promoting the growth of the sport of korfball all over the world by providing all the people the right products for the sport”, Mikasa announced.